So - back to Valinor. We last saw these guys in #256, just after the Kinslaying of Alqualondë.
The reactions of Vána and Aulë here are based on the Book of Lost Tales version of the story, which I'm going to be drawing on for extra details. Aulë is mad at the Noldor because he's taken their rebellion as a personal slight against him, after all the help and training he gave them.
The hours are 'measureless' because without the Trees, there's no easy way to tell the time. :) (Though having said that, I wonder if the stars were already rising and setting once per solar day?)
Part 276: Going into hiding
Next time: Part 277: Vána's plan
Chibis by the now-dead website formerly known as
Original story by and copyright to J R R Tolkien, ed. C Tolkien: Primarily based on the Silmarillion, but incorporating ideas from the 12-volume History of Middle Earth series.
Questions and comments welcome!