
May 04, 2009 12:23

Well, it has been some time since I have written here. My birthday passed, which was good. I usually try not to enjoy it, since I have mental issues but hey, I have insurance so, perhaps I can get some help, but anyway..

My friends got me a cello, which I did not see coming at all. Like that meant a lot to me, I don't believe there is a way that I can show them how much I appreciate it. But it was totally not expected. I look at it every day and I'm still in shock that it is still here..

Work is going well, not too shabby. My calls are getting a lot shorter since I'm getting confident, making executive decisions and getting the customers off the phone as soon as I resolve their issue.

Now that I'm in my 20's I seeing how crazy my parents are getting since they are older, as well as now, how they are depending on myself and other siblings to accomplish simple things. It's kind of scary, since when I was younger, I depended on them, and now the rules are reversing. I know it is something that is expected, I just did not know I would see it now..


Um, my hair is growing, that's something good..I'd like to go back to sleep right about now, but I'm watching brothers & I'll nap and wake up at 3pm, shower, then head to work.

Off tomorrow, I really need to buy clothes, something that fits...I've gained wait so either I stay in the clothes that cannot fit, or loose weight, ergh..this is something else. I need to FOCUS!!!

Well, more later...

birthday, weight loss, cello

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