(title is related to my internet woes. Basically our provider sucks and LJ doesn't shitty internet and besides most of my updates are on twitter these days but I swear I missed updating with more than 140 characters)
I have a feeling my nearly bi-weekly fic-posting days are over. I will get through this year if it kills me. I will! (*snort* I totally said that last year)
Had Art History today (Ancient Greek Sex Habits as I like to call it) and it was a breeze, but then that's to be expected with such a kickass teacher whom I want to huggle so hard he's adorable and fun and gay :) He's so voluble, I love it dearly. And the subject's fascinating (git yer minds out of the gutter, it's not just the sex that's neat, it's the art too okay).
Nah, it's my core classes I'm worried about. Well, not so much my Portfolio Studio class on Fridays, that one promises to be breezy since I've done verrrry similar stuff before (last year in college; remember, I was in a technical program so it was very hands-on and aimed towards making rockstar designers of us. Or something) I'm very aware, though, that I've lost a lot of my previous knack in Photoshop and coding xhtml/css and that's NO EFFING THANKS to school. Because they made us be aaaaartists in the really snotty higher-than-thou sense of museum people. You know what I mean. Abstract feeling projects that no one else can make heads or tails of. Blah. But anyway I'll have fun at last in that class, zomg I'm so excited to get started doing stuff I like at last!
But I'm worried about my Project Studio class. It's this prof I had last year that constantly kept us way past our ending time. You know, 10:30pm? And his classes were the most boring things ever because he's a monotonous discussion freak who assigns lame texts and dissects every word to its barest meaning that he then extracts and reconstructs into this other "bigger" meaning that's so abstract you're like WTF. So yes, him. I never liked him. And I have him again. May have him next semester as well, gosh save my soul. Our theme for this class is ecosophy (ecology + philosophy). Because YES, I dreamed of talking philosophy with him again, I swear I did. Nevertheless, the subject's interesting enough, and it doesn't look like it's going to be tough cakes like I've experienced with him previously. Readings, one text presentation (no weekly blogs! hallelujah!) and one major project. Not sure if we'll have minor ones but I don't believe so. No worries, you know. Except in the WAY HE SAYS IT ALL. He's got the tone to frighten you! Gah.
Then tomorrow I have Digital Nomad with this teacher I had a few times before (as you can deduce we're short on teachers, haha). Easy marker, weekly readings, two projects, one oral. Not bad either. But nomadic technologies? Eck, RSS and stuff like that scares me, I have to admit.
Aaaand I have yet to log on to my online Marketing Yourself class but it looks neat. I once had an online class (English) where I had to submit weekly mini-essays relating to our readings but that's to be expected of a language class. Otherwise, with this one I believe there's only three major submissions throughout the semester and then I'll sit an examination in December. Neato.
So that's that, and until I get comfy with my schedule I think I'll just resort to books and what little telly I watch to keep me entertained.
I'm about to finish Sabrina Jeffries's Beware a Scot's Revenge.
kismatt, the other day you asked me if the series was worth it and I believe I did reply, but here are more details. Yes, the School for Heiresses series is good. If you like your English romance (I don't know whether it's Victorian or Regency or even if it's not; I have no idea what the period years are to begin with) to have snappy, witty heroines and your usual run-of-the-mill hero (they usually are slightly wounded souls but it's not at all the focus of the story and you won't roll your eyes thinking boohoo poor wittle wich boy). Basically, the school teaches young (rich) girls how to act in society and to protect themselves against rogues and what have you. The dialogue is not bland as in other English romances I've read; like I said, it's snappy, it's lively, it's fun. It is one of the very few English romances I have liked, simply because it's fresh and fun and a really good ride :)
Since I'm just about done with Beware, tomorrow I bring... hmm... Elizabeth Lowell's Pearl Cove :)
In other news, tomorrow I get my hair cut by the same lady who did my makeover last year. She's amazing. Made me take a risk and try short hair and I don't think I'll go back for a while yet :D Bitten by the bug!
Oh, re: GG. Meh. Good, nothing zomg amazing. I lol'ed a bit here and there but nothing majorly cracky. Nate was a douchebag manwhore as usual, Vanessa is blah, Chuck/Blair looked a bit stilted? until those last two scenes (bedroom + waiter aww), Carter/Serena titillates me a bit though Serena's cam-whoring ways disgust me (it's for her father! sure...), and Eric and Jenny were adorkably yay. Oh, that Dan-Blair interaction was ftw! I don't ship but they should so be frenemies.
All righty, bedtime for me. Gotta look sharp for Digital Nomad. I'm so biting my nails wondering what the effing hell I'll do for my first project. Hey, gotta plan in advance you know? Always believed in (oft-times zany, but working) organisation ;)
Also! Online portfolio. Gotta think about updating a bit. I'm quite happy with what I currently have, but it needs a bit of oomph I think. Also! iWeb people have to send me mah password. Accept my daddy's credit card you bastards. Accept! Bow down to meeee!