Yaye, Wincest Day two! (Better late than never.)

Sep 15, 2013 02:38

I thought I'd link to some of the fan art posted over on tumblr, because I know some people here don't visit there and it never seems to be brought over to LJ.

Gag reel chibis. (G rated) All together now, awwwww!

Wincest Angst. (PG-13) I don't know if it's the boldly defined muscles or the dramatic coloring I like best about this.

Badbastion. (nc17) Need I say more? Okay, bottom!Sam. ;)

Sam Winchester’s Journal. (pg) I think this from the end of Season 8? This kind of takes my breath away a little. The limited color palatte, the slight smear to it, the emotion really bleeds through. (Part 2)

Photomanip. (PG13) I'm usually not a fan of headless torsos, but this one packs a lot of character in.

Even the gifsets are awesome. (G) Weecest.

There's also the new comm spn_colorme which is word search games and line art you can practice on and color yourself.
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