(no subject)

Oct 03, 2013 02:04

I had this really ranty thing written up last week about work and how I had to stay late a couple nights for lots of OT because of other people's screw-ups, but this week has been a good week so I'm not posting it. Just let it go into the ether.

I'm really digging Sleepy Hollow. It's got this Gothic horror vibe that the early days of Supernatural used to have-- lots of spooky atmosphere and gorgeous cinematography, interesting folklore, family issues, deft touches of comedy that don't ruin the flow of the story. Heck, you could imagine the younger Winchesters digging up graves in the next town over. I think this is a show I'll follow this year.

I also checked out the first eps of Hostages and Ironside, both of which have these arrogant alpha-male leads that I can't stand. So I won't be keeping up with those.

Have an SPN music video:

image Click to view

I'll be looking for all y'all's reactions next week to help me decide if I'm getting sucked back in or not. On the one hand, Winchesters! \o/ On the other... angels. /o\

I keep waiting for Nike running shoes to go on sale, but the ones I want never do. I like Nikes because I never have to break them in, they fit me perfectly right out of the box, but they're running about $30 more than I want to spend. I finally broke down and ordered another brand that supposedly has "springs" in the soles. Hopefully they'll be as cushy as the Nike Airs. They've got pretty good reviews, and if not, well, I didn't break the bank for them.

I was excited to find that a manga blogger wrote a really good review of Banana Fish a few weeks ago. It's awesome that people are still discovering it. Tumblr reminded me how much I love this series last month. I may have to do a reread soon. There was also this roundtable discussion on the whole series that I got sucked into and spent a good week or so reading. I've linked to the last part, but the other parts are linked in the text before it gets spoilery for the ending, for anyone who might want to relive it. I don't know if I agree with everything in the discussion. Most of the participants came at it from a really "Western media" point of view, but there was still some interesting discussion. It also has summaries in the comments of the side stories that were never translated. Worth a click just to learn how Blanca and Ash first met.

Decided to try out a couple of subscription services that someone mentioned on my flist. First up is Birchbox, which is makeup and beauty supplies. I figure I'll give it a three-month trial run, but I'm already not too impressed with the first box. I don't really wear nail polish and when I do, it's usually neutrals or cool colors. What do they send me? Bright orange metallic. Yeah, never gonna wear that. The other one I'm trying is Graze. It's by invite only atm and I have a feeling that was a big part of the appeal for me, but we'll see after I get the first box. Yay mail!

Well, that was a whole lot of me me me. How you all doin'?

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