Happy Wincest Day!

Sep 13, 2013 04:23

It was 20 years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play...
Wait, wrong birthday.

Happy Birthday Wincesters.

Eight years ago today, the pilot first aired. So I will maybe try to post for eight days about it. Or maybe five, since that's about when I stopped watching.

To kick things off:
This is apparently the first Wincest fic ever posted.
This was one of the first fics I recced.
*snickersnort* *gigglechoke*
Oh man, remember color bars for your profile?
I think this is the fic that made me fall in love.
Year One was the era of Stanford fics.

In looking for these old recs, I realized that I actually used to feel guilty about reccing incest and I would warn profusely. Bwahahaha!
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