
Mar 22, 2011 04:55

So fic recs. \o/

These ended up being rather J2 heavy, but I think that's mostly what I've been reading lately? (Anyone want to rec me some good Dean/Sam, while we're here?)

A Certain Smile by elise_509
Jared/Jensen, NC-17, word count: 57K
It's 1958. Jared is the high school superstar: all-around athlete, straight-A student, and one half of the most popular couple in town. Jensen is the teen rebel, all motorcycles, hot rods, and rock ‘n’ roll. When Jared’s life veers closer to the edge, he finds Jensen waiting for him there. The collision is inevitable.

This one is a spn_j2_bigbang story from a couple years ago that I just got around to reading. It has one of the hottest kisses I think I've ever read and it's not even between J2. I really loved the clash of cultures and how Jared and Jensen really kind of have to work at their relationship-- they're complex and they make mistakes, but keep getting drawn back together. It's a story of first times and senior years, socs and greasers, coming to terms and coming out. It's a romance in all the best connotations of the word. If you just read one of the recs, make it this one.

At First Sight by cleflink
Jared/Jensen, PG, Word count: 7945
Once upon a time, a stable boy loved a prince who'd never seen him. Who also happened to be his best friend.

I gotta admit I almost skipped this one. I saw the graphic, made a snap judgment and scrolled by it on my flist. Then someone rec'd it, I didn't put two and two together so I clicked through, and I'm really glad I did. I'm such a sucker for fairly-tales. I don't know what it is, and this one is a really nice twist on it-- Jensen is blessed with the "gift" of love at first sight as a baby. So what does he do? Decides to wear a blindfold his entire life. This one had me smiling the whole way through. Although it does get a little melancholy towards the end, it's got a nice schmoopy ending.

If Only A Heart Could Be As White As Snow, by zuben_eschamali
J2 AU, PG13, Word Count: 14,066
What if Snow White had been a young man? It would not only have been his beauty that was a threat, but his future role as king. What if his best friend was a huntsman's son, and both of their worlds were shattered by the betrayal of a jealous stepfather…

Remember I mentioned above that I'm a sucker for fairy-tales? This is an awesome spin on Snow White. I actually got kinda teary there in the middle of it, the perfect bit of fic for winter-into-spring.

Folie a Deux by zoemathemata
Dean/Sam, Jensen/Jared, R, Word Count: 12,000ish
At Lofty Pines Mental Institution, Jensen and Jared try to work through their delusions of being Dean and Sam Winchester.
At Lofty Pines Mental Institution, Dean and Sam Winchester are being manipulated into thinking they’re Jensen and Jared

Sometimes you feel jaded, then a story comes along and you realize that even a trope that you see a lot of can be done with a new twist. This story is a mind fuck in every sense of the word. I really enjoyed all the twists and turns. The author did a great job with the mystery and keeping you on the edge of your seat to figure out which way it was going-- and then when you think you've figured it out, she'll pull you the other way. A really brilliant idea.

Battlefield Victory by eclecticxdetour
Jensen/Jared, Rating: 18+, Word Count: 4000
Jensen's tribe returns from the battlefield victorious, with them a couple of youngsters from the enemy tribe captured and spoils of war. When it's evening they're all thrown together and the warriors can get their pick from the group.

Okay, this one is really kind of PWPish and written for a comment-fic prompt, but it also hit a bunch of my kinks-- bottom!Jared, claiming, first time, and so on. Don't let the warnings scare you. It really was quite a bit softer than I expected. And if you're looking for historical accuracy in your warrior-spoil of war fic, this isn't the one for you.

Through the Fallout by theskywasblue
Sam/Dean, NC17, 950words
It seems to me that Dean's always the one getting whammied, so I whammied Sam instead. Fuck or die.

Another PWP comment-prompt fic, this time Sam and Dean. Desperate and hot, short and sharp and anything but sweet. There's a strong season-one vibe to this one that I really liked.

People-Who-Can't-Stand-Each-Other With Benefits by mistyzeo
J2 AU, NC-17, 4950 words
Jared's the only sophomore on the Varsity soccer team, so he thinks he's a little better than dirt, but Jensen Ackles might not agree. But that's okay, because Jensen Ackles is a first-class douchebag.

Third in the PWP trifecta-- and hot like burning. Filthy hot like burning. Um, hate sex totally counts, right? This was recced all over creation when it was first posted.

Dial It In by kelleigh
Jared/Jensen. NC17. 10,500 words. AU of Top Shot.
Tonight, on TOP SHOT, revenge is the name of the game. Old challenges come back to haunt our final five marksmen as they compete in a new kind of obstacle course. With everyone's sights set on the 100,000 dollar prize, friendships and alliances in the house will be tested, and a pair of rivals will meet in our elimination challenge to see which one will continue on their quest to be our TOP SHOT.

Okay, I've never heard of Top Shot, but it's apparently a cross between the reality-competition-show-of-your-choice and Sniper. I wasn't familiar with the show, but I'm a sucker for the J2-on-reality-show trope. This one had a small twist I didn't see coming and I really liked back and forth structure of this story and how it kind of jumped between the first meetings-newbie insecurity to familiarity and the competitive nature of the show. And that's not even getting into the banter and the emotions that build through the story. And is there anything more phallic than big hard guns?

fic recs

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