[Any softness that he's picked up in his voice over his TEENY TINY INCREMENTAL STEPS TOWARDS REDEMPTION is gone. TOTALLY GONE. His voice is sharp and bitter.]
Everything about the Barge is a joke. The friendships, the simpering lovers, the very idea of redemption. If any of you think this is anything more than a game for the Admiral, you're deluded.
Give me back my filters, Harper. You know full well that I can't create anything like the nanomites again, not while I'm here.
[Letter to Wichita; Handwritten; Thrown Overboard]
I think that's a fitting name to address you by, since you're so much more like your Mirror-self than you'd led me to believe. I don't know if this letter will find you, but if it does, know that the next one I send will probably contain a bomb, access to materials permitting. I'd rather not kill Tallahassee in the process of targeting you, but then again, I do develop weaponry for a living. Did you really think that with all of my intelligence I couldn't program a BITCH SEEKING MISSILE?
I loved I thought you Fuck you.
You're DEAD.
[And here's Rex, crumpling up that letter and throwing it overboard. Hey, he also seems to have a bag of STUFF with him-- why, it's everything that reminds him of his relationship with Wichita. Yes, he's going to start tossing things overboard.]
[OOC: I hadn't been planning on posting Rex again so soon, but Fourth Wall Day brought some
unexpected revelations to him, SO HE'S BASICALLY DONE A TOTAL 180 FROM HIS LAST POST. I don't think he can backslide any further now :V]