I've had a problem with a FFN user called The Battling Bard, aka The Last Temptation of Homer. Me and a few others have caught her (or someone associating with her) attempting a frame up. It appeared she signed onto a LOTR site with my penname and then copy pasted stories that weren't hers or mine onto that account. I have screens, and one of the
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Actually, she hasn't. the site was just moved to another URL and redone in looks. It can still be found here.
While "Felagund's Requiem" has vanished from that site, now, it was still up at the 22th of March, 7:58 GTM (please note that the time given in the screenshot is GTM +1):
here is the screenshot from the site in question (compare URL's); here is a shot from the contents of the page (still, same URL); here and here are shots from the poem at that site (I have two more shots of the whole poem, but I think the identity of the content with Terachi's poem was established already ( ... )
I just hope they are still investigating.
I know in Kai's original version, it is to Felagund, but I thought in all of Bard's versions the name used was Arwen. If it is a separate thing, does someone have a screen shot of the "Felagund's Requiem"?
Thank you.
I know in Kai's original version, it is to Felagund, but I thought in all of Bard's versions the name used was Arwen. If it is a separate thing, does someone have a screen shot of the "Felagund's Requiem"?The Battling Bard copy-pasted Terachi's poem, which was part of Terachi's story "Don't Look Back, Look Left", without the rest of Terachi's story, and published it as TBB's own creation under the name of "Felagund's Requiem" at her "Myfandom account", as well as at the Openscrolls fanfiction archive ( ... )
Gladly! Feel free to uise any caps you need. :)
Can anyone ignore the proof at this point? I doubt it.
I'm getting irritated by the fact on her lj, Bard is using her pregnancy and her "tragic" past to elicit sympathy while evading everyone's questions.
I've had artwork stolen (the same piece now heavily watermarked) over and over again. I cannot fathom why people do this crap. Don't they know someone will always catch them?
Once I'm back, I'll be work up the summary.
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