I've had a problem with a FFN user called The Battling Bard, aka The Last Temptation of Homer. Me and a few others have caught her (or someone associating with her) attempting a frame up. It appeared she signed onto a LOTR site with my penname and then copy pasted stories that weren't hers or mine onto that account. I have screens, and one of the
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I know in Kai's original version, it is to Felagund, but I thought in all of Bard's versions the name used was Arwen. If it is a separate thing, does someone have a screen shot of the "Felagund's Requiem"?
The Battling Bard copy-pasted Terachi's poem, which was part of Terachi's story "Don't Look Back, Look Left", without the rest of Terachi's story, and published it as TBB's own creation under the name of "Felagund's Requiem" at her "Myfandom account", as well as at the Openscrolls fanfiction archive.
At the Opencrolls archive, she posted the poem under the name of "Callisto".
The screenshot of the theft at the Openscrolls archive can be found here:
At the Openscrolls archive, the plagiarism was reported and the poem was taken down.
The screen-shots for the theft of the poem at TBB's Myfandom account are given in Maiafay's original post above, as well as in my own post.
The whole poem "Felagund's Requiem by TBB" at the Myfandom account is documented here:
As you can see, the poem is a complete copy-paste of Terachi's poem.
That poem was taken down at the evening of the 22th of March, after TBB must have realized that she had been reported here. It is presently not up at the Myfandom account anymore.
However, apart from the poem "Felagund's Requiem", The Battlin Bard published another poem, called "Arwen's Requiem", which has originally a lot of lifted lines from Terachi's. The first version of "Arwen's Requiem" is still up at TBB's Fanfiction.net account and can be seen here:
A screenshot of this poem is given in Maiafay's original post. As you can see in the screenshots from TBB's Myfandom account, TBB claimed that 'her' poem "Felagund's Requiem" was a rewrite of "Arwen's Requiem", which she found much better.
The new version of "Arwen's Requiem" posted at TBB's Myfandom account is a slightly altered version of the version still up at Fanfiction.net, and has less lines directly lifted from Terachi's original poem; but some lifted lines remain.
That altered version of "Arwen's Requiem" can be found here:
In case she takes it down there, here are the screens:
and in the content list:
I hope that made sense and cleared the whole, sordid affair up some more.
Gladly! Feel free to uise any caps you need. :)
Can anyone ignore the proof at this point? I doubt it.
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