Who: Atem
Note_Atem and Open
What: He's just getting used to his settings- and failing at life. Literally. Come laugh and make it worse or help if you'd like.
When: In the evening, two days after his arrival.
Where: Everywhere? Around the residential areas and the recreational area
Warnings: None I think? Just idiot behavior
It's not as easy as they make it look )
Comments 78
Although when he heard Atem’s voice - he sounded... a bit frustrated perhaps - he thought twice about his actions. Maybe he shouldn’t bother him.
Well, what’s the worse it could happen? If the other didn’t want Toboe’s company, all he had to do was to tell him to go away; so the kid approached, waving “Hello!”
"Hello." He responded, softy though, not having the energy for much else at the moment.
He nodded once. "Yes, I'm alright." His stance and pale of his face most likely gave away quite the opposite notion of that statement. But he was carrying himself a little better than he had been.
The ghost floats over and drops down in front of him.
"You know, you don't look so good."
Hadn't he seen that face before? Mm.. wrong colors. But it definitely looked familiar. With as many people on this ship though, he could be wrong.
"I'm fine." The answer was quick and perhaps a little grated, pride not allowing for much else.
Quietly, she approached them.
... Ah, it was Atem.
"What's wrong, young man?"
"Nothing." He was usually good at lying at whatever circumstance he needed to, but he'd already been caught. Still, he'd try. He didn't need anyone worrying about him.
"You're unwell. Have you been failing to take care of yourself?"
"My health is my own concern." His reply was calm, though still said with that hand curling slightly against the wall. He'd never been in the habit of worrying people, or letting people worry about him- Even as a young prince. It just didn't sit right with him. "And I'm fine."
"Hey? You okay?"
A smile came over his lips with a small effortless nod in her direction. "Yes, Pamela, I'm fine. Thank you."
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