(no subject)

Apr 19, 2012 07:55

Been having the week of non-stoppedness! I am so. tired! Everything has just been go go go, at home and at work. I have Tuesday and Wednesday off, as we have to use up this year's holiday by the end of April or we lose it - so no complaints here!

So... one of my solicitors has broken her arm - really badly! She limped into work last week and struggled on, saying she had pulled a muscle. She had been out at the weekend with her young son and got over-enthused in physical activity. She soldiered on for five days before thinking something was not right and going to the docs... yeah, signed off for a week, and in a cast.

This means that she has been at home - 1. This means she works twice as hard, and gives me all the tasks! 2. She has had clients and Court dates booked, so I have been frantically rearranging the former, sorting out the latter. I am so tired!

I'm really content in Law, think it was a great choice, an happy happy happy. But now that I am drawing again, being creative, I can't help thinking "what if....?" I would kill to work from home part time, to be more arty... and I still wonder if I can get myself to a decent standard to do art professionally...

So I think over the next five years, I am going to buck up and get my art up to scratch. I am in no rush, I love law. But I would love to see where I can take the art. I need to stop wasting time faring around on the internet all the time -that could be drawing time! and keep at it and keep at it. In 5 years, 8 years, I might be able to do this. And by then I will be approaching 40 (argh!) and Rich might be winding down from his work, and we might be able to do the freelance thing. (Although the plan is to become millionaires anyway - mwahaha!)

I'm not happy in life unless I have goals to reach- maybe this should be one of them!

If not, art is still the best thing, ever.
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