(no subject)

Apr 02, 2013 09:36

Soooo Easter holiday is nearly over (bah) and I have been really productive yet still haven't managed half the stuff I was going to! Time flies when you are having fun.

I know I keep saying this, but this could be an epic week of resolutions and both R and I are nervous. There are four possible outcomes - one is brilliant, one is good/neutral, and two are baaad. All dependent on so many circumstances... at this stage all we can do is wait. Which is horrid.

But Game of Thrones last night made everything better for an hour!

I have finished my "gameplan." - of course, a lot is dependent on what happens with R, however I am hoping that by the end of the plan, the week before my birthday in July, we will know what is happening, and I will have a nice portfolio and can start to explore options and make more decisions about the future. It contains a mix of 2d and 3d and exploring different paths which is exciting - it helps with the mundane day to day ness and gives me goals, which I thrive on. I do also plan on learning an instrument (I think clarinet) and getting a liz. I also have driving lessons to get in there too - but the speed of those again depend on what happens with R. If we stay here, no rush, if we don't - might have to speed up.

So now we wait and I keep drawing.
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