Ok, ok, ok! Let me break it down for you like THIS, brother! And sister! Brother and sisters. Siblings.
1. I caught at least 10 to 15 more Pokemon in the last week and it was really satisfying to see the number of Pokemon in my PokeDex rise. It was just EXHILARATING! Ok, it was just weirdly satisfying. I like stuff about collecting stuff. That's what drew me to the original Dragonball and stuff. And I was soooo excited about the whole 7 rainbow crystals arc in Sailor Moon. And I always had a soft spot for the whole finding the crystals thing in Final Fantasy games. And don't even get me started on collecting all 108 stars in any Suikoden game. I GOTTA catch 'em all. Or get them all to join my party or whatever. Anyway, right now I'm trying to find a friggin' Poliwag or Poliwhirl or Polianything, but all I can find are Seadras and Relicanths and stuff I already have and I'm getting cranky. I should look for Pokemon trading communities...
2. Wall-E:
I finally saw Wall-E and it was AMAZIIING! I liked it a whole bunch. Favorite characters were definitely Wall-E and M-O, the little cleaning robot. I liked pretty much everyone anyway. The captain was GREAT. The music was GREAT. All was GREAT. And Wall-E won and the good guys won and everyone won and I was happy. I just can't put it into words properly. Him holding hands with Eve... AWWWW! You guys, let's all recycle and save the planet. GO SEE WALL-E!
3. The Dark Knight:
I went in kind of jaded and cynical and stuff, thinking people were just making a big deal and stuff. They were not. It was awesome and I loved it a whole bunch. I lost track of time, was on the edge of my seat the whole time, the works. I thought it was really clever, too. Especially the Joker. Yes, the Joker. I, too, was totally checking to see whether Heath Ledger's performance was SEEEEW AWESOME like everyone said, and it WAS. It was definitely my favorite version of the Joker and he was creepy and clever and funny and scary and AUGH! I loved his first plan thing with the getting his underlings to kill each other and just everything. I can't even gush properly. That's how good he was. Also awesome was that one bank manager dude that got out his shotgun and was like, "OH NO YOU AIN'T ROBBIN' MY BANK!" And Harvey Dent was awesome too and everyone was awesome and I FREAKED OUT when Commissioner Gordon "died" even though I knew he couldn't really be dead, but I was worried for a second there. I loved everything and everyone. Yes, even Rachel, whom I LOATHED in the first movie. I wonder if it was just Katie Holmes and her Tom Cruise connection. I don't know. She seemed far more annoying in the first one and I can't remember why. Well, I actually liked her in this one, so it figures that she had to die. -_-; I tell you, this whole characters-I-like-must-die thing is getting old. So...GO SEE THE DARK KNIGHT CAUSE IT'S NOT JUST HYPE!
4. Avatar: The Last Airbender:
I ain't gonna lie to you. I choked up a bit. I always get sad when a show I've been watching for a long time has its final episode. Anyway, I was thoroughly satisfied on pretty much every area. It was exciting to see everyone come back and the Old Men Brigade Club was just way too awesome. King Crazyman (Bumi?) was just...my hero. Toph was my hero. Sokka was my hero. Zuko was my hero. Katara was my hero. Suki was my hero. Aang was my hero. Everyone was my hero (except the bad guys). It was just great.
I'll...talk about pairings, even though they're not SOOOO important to the story, necessarily, just because...I feel like it, I guess. For the record. Or something. I was never a rabid shipper but I thought Zuko and Katara would have made an interesting couple. Still, I never held my breath and it was ridiculously clear that it was all Katara and Aang, so that was totally fine. However, I've always found Mai to be kind of...blah, and she became even more blah to me when she was with Zuko and he became blah as well (and I LIKE Zuko). I don't know why, their pairing just never worked for me, so that was a bit...disappointing to see but not really a big deal, and they made it pretty clear since, like, the beginning of book 3, so I can't say they didn't "warn" me. I just had to get it off my chest. Anyway, my other "pairing" I would have liked was Toph and Sokka, but I also LOVE Sokka with Suki and I love Suki herself, so I was totally fine with how it worked out. I think Toph probably goes best alone (for now, anyway; she might change her mind when she gets a bit older). So...those were my pairings. Overall, it was all well!
The only thing is, I WOULD have liked to know what the heck happened to Zuko's mom and I would have liked to see what they did with Azula in the end. Is she in jail too? Did Aang take her powers away like he did with Ozai? And I wholeheartedly cling to my belief that there are Airbenders hiding in a forest somewhere. LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU, HOSHI~!
5. Project Runway Season 5 Premiere:
It started! Yay! Well, I don't know who I like best yet. There seems to be a lot more younger girls this time around, doesn't it? It feels like usually there's one or two and the rest are kind of older women. Maybe it's just me. Also, it seems like there's a LOT of designers this season. Are there usually this many? Anyway, I was SO excited to see Austin judge. I think he's beaaaautiful and I love him. He's my favorite Project Runway contestant EVER. And so...anyway, right now I know more which ones I DON'T like right now rather than the ones that I like. Basically, I'm just not too fond of Blayne, Suede, and Jerrell, I think. Maybe it'll change later. But that's my stance right now. And the moment Stella started complaining about her bags I totally winced and was like, "Nooo, stoooop! They won't accept excuses like that! Have you...watched this show before?? He's just gonna tell you to make it work!" And he did. And she survived somehow. I'm kind of surprised. Even though the other guy's outfit sucked a lot too, it felt like he put more...work into it? I thought that'd save him, but I guess not. Anyway, we'll see how it goes next week. Suede, please stop referring to yourself in the third person. Blayne, please stop saying "girlicious" all the time. I cannot live with a repeat of Christian's "fierce" junk.
My next thing to watch is Mamma Mia! *_*