You know what ALWAYS cheers me up? Like, ALWAYS? Really peppy 80s songs with synthesizers and flamboyant music videos. Seriously. Stuff like
"Be Near Me" by ABC and
"Words" by Missing Persons. Gets me RIGHT my 80s heart. In fact, one of the reasons I want a bigger iPod is so that I can have a proper 80s playlist. My current one has, like, 70 songs because I can't bring myself to delete the jackload of other stuff in there. It's really stupid, too, because a lot of my songs are songs I don't even listen to on a regular basis but I keep feeling like, "What if I suddenly want to listen to the Ranma 1/2 opening and then I CAN'T because I DELETED IT!?" It is just dumb and I need to delete that Ranma 1/2 song. But I CAN'T.'s like deleting my childhood. Ok, more like my teenagehood.
Anyway, my goal is to have an 80s playlist with at least 200 songs in it so I can just leave it on and listen to 80s music for a long, long time. Because this is ridiculous. I don't even have "Be Near Me" on my iPod right now! What song is going to get the axe this time...?