ошенно древний месопотамский сивилизаций

May 18, 2024 11:20

Ошенно древний месопотамский сивилизаций появился в 1800 году нашей, естественно, эры.

Once, while visiting a friend who was a doctor in Baghdad, they went to some ancient ruins near the city of Semiramis (now Taq Kasra). There, Michaux found a strange black stone. It had a series of odd carvings on its upper part and what seemed like a type of strange writing on its lower part. As he noted in his journal, he kept it and took it with him for three and a half years, in 1786, when he returned to France with a large herbarium and a wealth of plant seeds that earned him the title of Royal Botanist.

He sold it to the French Museum of Antiquities in 1800 for about 1,200 francs, which stored it in the National Library. Historians across Europe had never seen anything like it, and news of its discovery spread like wildfire through the continent’s scientific societies. Because the fact was that this stone was the first complete written testimony of the existence of the ancient Mesopotamian culture to reach Europe.


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