RP: Dinner at Home

Oct 15, 2007 15:39

Date: October 15, 2005
Characters: Hermione Granger, Roger Davies
Location: Their house
Status: Private
Summary: After a busy few weeks, Roger and Hermione have some time to themselves.
Completion: InComplete

The days were getting steadily shorter, and by the time Roger got home from work it was dark enough that it was more noticeable, as stepped up to the front door of his and Hermione's house, that there weren't any lights on yet. Hermione must still be at work. He frowned slightly as he shifted the large pizza box and paper bag with breadsticks to his other arm and opened the door. He stepped inside, and Zuzu raced in between his planted feet right before the door could close again.

He kicked off his boots and kicked at them, sufficiently enough so that they now sat close to the wall in the foyer, then walked into the kitchen and set the food on an island. He was a bit too tired to cook anything tonight, and he didn't want Hermione cooking when she was sure to be exhausted, as well. She was always tired, with Ron's hours cut back and no one to fill that spot as yet.

Lowering to a crouch, Roger opened a cabinet and took out a bottle of wine before he straightened and took down some glasses. Well, when she got in, there'd be dinner, and since he was a bit late himself, he didn't expect that it would be long before she got home, anyway. Zuzu yipped softly, and he crouched again to scratch her behind the ears. Either she was happy to see Roger, or more happy to see that he had food. "What do you reckon?" he asked. "Think we ought to take this food outside? This weather won't hold for very long."

He grabbed a blanket and went out through the back door, flipping on the light over the wooden porch as he went. With a smile, he began to spread everything out. It was hardly a hot night, but it was warm enough, and he cast a few quick warming charms to be on the safe side. Once he had the pizza and breadsticks set out, he opened the bottle of wine, then took a seat on the edge of the porch. When the puppy sat right up against his side, he grinned and leaned back on his hands as he watched the sky grow darker around them.

place: private residence, october 2005, roger davies, hermione granger

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