RP: Island getaway

Sep 23, 2007 19:01

Date: 23 September 2005
Characters: Mandy Brocklehurst, Zach Smith
Location: Mandy's flat and her family's home in Northumberland
Status: Private
Summary: Mandy needs to check on the wards around her family's home. Zach comes along for help and company.
Completion: Incomplete.

It had felt terribly lonely to visit the deserted place in the spring. This time, she was bringing a friend along for company. )

september 2005, mandy brocklehurst, place: private residence, zacharias smith, place: outside shh

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Comments 110

shh_zach September 23 2007, 18:20:54 UTC
Zach energed through the layers of sleep, as if coming up from the bottom of a deep pool. He could feel Mandy against him, her hair against his nose, their naked bodies warm and malleable with sleep. She pulled away slightly and he tightened his hold, refusing to let her go just yet.

He was nearly underneath the cover of sleep again when she rolled over in his arms. Her lips brushed against his and he smiled, humming softly and opening his eyes slightly.

"Morning," he murmured, stretching lazily and rolling forward to half cover her body with his. He kissed her throat as he nuzzled against her. "'m up. Seriously, getting up right now." He smiled against her skin as he let his hand slide down to cup her breast. "I'm very awake in fact, and very ready to go," he teased, sucking gently on her neck.


shh_mandy September 24 2007, 10:04:50 UTC
He sounded a lot more sleepy than her, but then again she'd been only dozing for the last half-hour, too braced for the alarm to fall properly to sleep again after a trip up to the bathroom. Mandy grinned to herself, then giggled as his nuzzling nose and mouth over her throat tickled. She could hear his smile in his voice, too, as his hand covered her breast, waking her nipple up as well. His morning erection was poking her hip and she squirmed against it teasingly.

"Of course you're ready to go. You're so easy in the mornings, Smith," she said in a prim voice that was belied by the hand sliding down to stroke up the length of his cock with a gentle tug. She let go in the next second, snaking out of his grip and jumping down on the floor, biting her lip on another giggle as she looked down at him. "We can save time by showering together and I can give you a soapy hand with that. Or you can save yourself for secluded island adventures. Your call ( ... )


shh_zach September 24 2007, 11:24:22 UTC
Zach hummed again, feeling her fingers close around him, warm and soft and oh yes this was such a perfect way to wake up. "'m not easy," he murmured, grinning against her skin. "This is all because of you, love. You have that effect on me." He reached for her as well but suddenly she was gone and he was left feeling empty bed, his cock woefully lonely.

The little minx giggled as she turned and walked away and the growl in his throat died on his lips at the sight before him. She was naked, her hips swaying, and his eyes followed her for a moment, his mouth suddenly dry.

Once she was out of sight, his brain kicked into gear again, and he crawled out of the bed and moved after her, watching her from the doorway for a moment before stepping under the spray as well.

Her skin was slick against his hands as she turned in his grasp and her hand moved down his stomach and he was fairly certain he felt his brain short circuit. "I'm in your hands," he said gruffly, "All yours, love."


shh_mandy September 24 2007, 12:29:41 UTC
"Mmm," she hummed against his lips, then dropped her gaze to the eager erection in the loose grip of her fingers. "You're safe in my hands." Smiling at him, she reached for the chocolate soap on the shelf and worked up a soft lather, before putting the soap back and encircling his cock again at the base with her fingers, smoothly dragging to the tip and back. She quickly worked out a steady, firm rhythm, not interested in teasing him now. Her other hand reached down to gently caress his balls, as she leaned her forehead against his shoulder, glancing down in fascination on what she was doing as she listened to his soft noises and felt his hands slide all over, her neck, her waist, her bum ( ... )


shh_mandy September 28 2007, 10:52:50 UTC
Breathing out slowly, she smiled at him, wide and relieved, as she held on to his hand and watched him gaze out towards the island. The offshore breeze was blowing strands of his hair into his face as his eyes crinkled and his lips, parted in wonder, curved up into a grin of delight.

She laughed with joy as he looked at her and gave her his opinion, clasped his hand harder and responded warmly to his gentle kiss.

"And I can't wait to show it to you," she said, leading him by the hand out on the damp rippled sand. She shook her head, glancing up at him with another, more quiet smile. "It was hard, the last time I was here. So still and lonely, haunted almost. Homes aren't the same without people." Her fingers clasped harder around his again as they walked across, their steps sounding muted on the soft give underfoot. "I'm so glad you're with me, Zach."


shh_zach September 28 2007, 11:15:30 UTC
Their shoes left prints in the wet sand as they made their way across. Zach shouldered the bags and clasped the sleeping bag in one hand, holding her hand with the other.

"I'm glad I'm with you too, love," he replied, leaning close to kiss her cheek." And honored, that she'd bring him here. He knew how much she love the place.

He could see why, too. "So tell me something you used to do here, when you were little? What were your favorite things? I can tell you, I'd have been in the water, just as soon as it was warm enough. I love the sea." He smiled at her. "Who taught you to swim?"


shh_mandy September 28 2007, 20:47:12 UTC
She walked lightly on the sand, feeling how her feet knew this secret ocean ground, all her senses attuned to the familiar world of blue and wind and salt around her ( ... )


shh_zach September 29 2007, 15:19:58 UTC
He could hear how much she loved the place in her voice and Zach smiled, twining his fingers with hers and lifting her hand to his lips. "No webbed fingers. I'll check your toes later," he said, smiling as he kissed her hand, her wrist ( ... )


shh_mandy October 1 2007, 10:16:53 UTC
Hard as it had been to get the words out, it was worth it for the raw despair of lust in Zach's reaction, the whimpered exclamation and the hands tightening on her hips. She felt him try to enter her, but God, this was an awkward angle, and she groaned in frustrated dismay as he slid away repeatedly, then took his hand away from her clit.

Then she felt his fingers slide between her legs from behind, opening her up for his cock that finally found the spot, pressing just inside. He closed both hands on her hips and in the next instant she scrambled with her hands over the window and screamed, reeling as he slammed her down on him at the same time he thrust up, stretching her and filling her with no time for gentle adjustment. She was so wet it didn't hurt, but it was hard and much and fast, it was different from how he usually did this, and she hung her head gasping in near sobs as he immediately pulled back and thrust hard, as she realised there's be no adjustment, this was it and he was making her take it. And she'd never known or ( ... )


shh_zach October 1 2007, 10:56:22 UTC
Her scream tore through him, and he almost came, almost lost it right then. His cock gave a thick throb and he closed his eyes for a moment and pressed his face against her throat as he shoved in deeper. They were both soaked, he could feel wetness on his thighs, on his balls, and she was arching her back and canting her hips and standing on tiptoe trying to make it easier for them both.

Her hand moved between her legs, her fingers gliding back and forth across her clit, and her fingertips kept hitting his cock as he slid in and out and that was hotter than he'd ever imagined.

It was too fast, too hard, too rough, and he bit her again, unable to slow down because he was already so close he could taste it. Her words made him shake his head and fuck her harder, because he could feel how tight she was around him, getting tighter all the time and her hand sped up as he pushed them both right to the razor edge ( ... )


shh_mandy October 1 2007, 15:15:11 UTC
Slowly the surroundings came into focus again. The blue seascape through fogged-up glass, the pretty, frilly room, seagull's cries sounding muted from outside ( ... )


shh_zach October 1 2007, 20:01:41 UTC
She trembled slightly as she pulled away enough to turn to face him and he wrapped his arms around her, one hand going to the back of her head, cradling her against his shoulder ( ... )


shh_zach October 7 2007, 18:49:54 UTC
"You can say anything to me," he whispered, kissing her, kissing her, kissing her. She was shaking and gasping and his cock hardened as he thrust against her again. "I fucking love it when you tell me what you want. I'd do anything for you, to you, just want you to feel good." His fingers slid down over the soft curve of her arse, squeezing, kneading...

But then her fingers were on his chest, pushing him firmly back and then she was whispering to him and pulling away and tugging him out of the room by his hand before he'd even the chance to process anything but the fact that she wasn't rubbing against him anymore. He made a noise of protest and followed her back to the steps, still dizzy.

And that would be the excuse he used when explaining why he banged his head on the ceiling. "Ow!" He said, grabbing his forehead, his eyes watering, as he followed her down the steps, half laughing at his stupidity.


shh_mandy October 7 2007, 19:25:42 UTC
She turned quickly at the sound of a hard bang followed by an exclamation of pain, her eyes widening as she realised what had happened. "Oh, God! You didn't," she said, turning to him at the bottom of the steps and gingerly touching her fingers to the egg rising on his forehead. Zach was half groaning, half chuckling, his eyes wet, and she winced in sympathy even as she tried desperately to fight down inappropriate giggles.

"Oh, baby, I know, it hurts like hell. That ceiling's a menace, it just slams into you. I've banged into it several times and I'm, like, five inches shorter than you," she said, trying to make him feel less foolish about it at least. She Accio'ed a steel casserole lid to press against the bump for a minute, then raised her wand and said the simple charm to get down the swelling that her grandmother had taught her. Finally, she rose up on tiptoe, holding his head in both hands, and kissed his forehead tenderly. "Bit better?"


shh_zach October 7 2007, 19:42:42 UTC
"I did, apparently," he said, flinching when she lifted her fingers up to touch the knot on his head. "Smooth, huh? Yeah, I'm a genious, I know. You must be so... ah... impressed."

He smiled at her as she fussed over him. "You do know that I'm not going to be pissed off if you laugh at my stupid arse. Besides, it's your fault. You could have just told me you weren't in the mood, didn't have to try to knock me out," he teased her.

"Much better," he said, catching her lips in a tender kiss. "Thank you."


shh_mandy October 7 2007, 20:28:37 UTC
"I think you did it in fabulous style. And you always impress me, Smith," she said, biting her twitching lip that wanted to smile again. "Even your bump is bigger than average."

She lost the fight against the smile when he teased her though, he was so endearing, looking at her in good humour with his head tilted back, under the casserole lid. "Believe me, there was nothing wrong with my mood to start with. And I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing near you," she said with a goofy grin, and gave him a one-armed squeeze as she held the lid to his forehead. "You're such a brave boy ( ... )


shh_mandy October 20 2007, 16:03:52 UTC
"Don't be hard on yourself," she murmured. "There are other ways of letting someone know, and you're really wonderful at those." She smiled, dipping her head when he asked her what words, her fingers tracing patterns on his thigh under the blanket. "I ... um. Well, I pretty much fail at confrontation, blunt opinion if you will. Write it down to my family, we're so gentle and civil I suspect it borders on the neurotic. And ... well. You know. Sex talk." The last part came out in a small breathless rush, way to make a point, she thought ruefully. "Unless it's joking around, which I can do. But I want to be able to talk ... like that to you, because it, it feels so good when you do, to me. I just feel so bloody clumsy when I try ( ... )


shh_zach October 20 2007, 18:30:32 UTC
"I hope so," he whispered, kissing her ear and grinning at her next comment. "You know, you're pretty good at blunt opinion with me. Never have failed to call me on my bullshit, have you? Do I just bring it out in you?" He snuggled closer to her. "And I think you're pretty damn good at the sex talk. It turns me on so fucking much. Upstairs, today, when you asked me to fuck you? I lost it." He nuzzled his face in her hair. "I think you're incredibly sexy."

"Never said I'd play fair," he murmured, shifting against her. She writhed under his fingers, between his thighs, her fingers digging into his muscles, her head turning from side to side. "God, I love seeing you like this. Love it so much, feeling you against me, making you look like this. I'll never get enough of you."


shh_mandy October 20 2007, 21:13:51 UTC
Mandy laughed quietly. "Oh, I was so shocked by you at the start, you know? The way you'd provoke without batting an eyelash, say the most outrageous things to get a rise out of me. But very fast, I found it ... liberating. Exhilarating even. So I guess you do bring it out in me. I don't talk to anyone else quite the way I do with you ( ... )


shh_zach October 20 2007, 22:27:36 UTC
"I know you were," he said, chuckling. "You were so easy to bait. Still are. I love it. And I'm glad you don't talk to anyone else the way you do me. I love having you to myself that way. Even if it means you're yelling at me."

"Oh babe, you're fantastic at it." He kissed her jaw, and her lips and her chin. "I love it when you stammer and blush. It turns me on even more. Don't you know that? I love to hear you talk like that. You're perfect."

Turning his face, he caught her lips, pressing his tongue in between her soft parted lips. He pressed against her more firmly and ached to be inside her but there was no way he'd take her again so soon after that. He'd hurt her. Gently, he unbuttoned her denims and lowered the zip, pressing his fingers against her belling and slipping them underneath the waistband of her knickers. "Let me?" he asked, quietly, kissing her, kissing her.


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