RP: Island getaway

Sep 23, 2007 19:01

Date: 23 September 2005
Characters: Mandy Brocklehurst, Zach Smith
Location: Mandy's flat and her family's home in Northumberland
Status: Private
Summary: Mandy needs to check on the wards around her family's home. Zach comes along for help and company.
Completion: Incomplete.

It had felt terribly lonely to visit the deserted place in the spring. This time, she was bringing a friend along for company. )

september 2005, mandy brocklehurst, place: private residence, zacharias smith, place: outside shh

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shh_mandy September 24 2007, 10:04:50 UTC
He sounded a lot more sleepy than her, but then again she'd been only dozing for the last half-hour, too braced for the alarm to fall properly to sleep again after a trip up to the bathroom. Mandy grinned to herself, then giggled as his nuzzling nose and mouth over her throat tickled. She could hear his smile in his voice, too, as his hand covered her breast, waking her nipple up as well. His morning erection was poking her hip and she squirmed against it teasingly.

"Of course you're ready to go. You're so easy in the mornings, Smith," she said in a prim voice that was belied by the hand sliding down to stroke up the length of his cock with a gentle tug. She let go in the next second, snaking out of his grip and jumping down on the floor, biting her lip on another giggle as she looked down at him. "We can save time by showering together and I can give you a soapy hand with that. Or you can save yourself for secluded island adventures. Your call."

She walked naked into the bathroom, without looking if he followed but with a bit of a swing to her hips, and turned on the water. She stepped into the warm spray, quickly shampooed her hair and rinsed it, and then smiled as she felt two arms go around her from the back.

"Doesn't have to be an 'either-or' question, you know," she murmured, turning around in his arms and raising her wet face to a kiss as her hand trailed down.


shh_zach September 24 2007, 11:24:22 UTC
Zach hummed again, feeling her fingers close around him, warm and soft and oh yes this was such a perfect way to wake up. "'m not easy," he murmured, grinning against her skin. "This is all because of you, love. You have that effect on me." He reached for her as well but suddenly she was gone and he was left feeling empty bed, his cock woefully lonely.

The little minx giggled as she turned and walked away and the growl in his throat died on his lips at the sight before him. She was naked, her hips swaying, and his eyes followed her for a moment, his mouth suddenly dry.

Once she was out of sight, his brain kicked into gear again, and he crawled out of the bed and moved after her, watching her from the doorway for a moment before stepping under the spray as well.

Her skin was slick against his hands as she turned in his grasp and her hand moved down his stomach and he was fairly certain he felt his brain short circuit. "I'm in your hands," he said gruffly, "All yours, love."


shh_mandy September 24 2007, 12:29:41 UTC
"Mmm," she hummed against his lips, then dropped her gaze to the eager erection in the loose grip of her fingers. "You're safe in my hands." Smiling at him, she reached for the chocolate soap on the shelf and worked up a soft lather, before putting the soap back and encircling his cock again at the base with her fingers, smoothly dragging to the tip and back. She quickly worked out a steady, firm rhythm, not interested in teasing him now. Her other hand reached down to gently caress his balls, as she leaned her forehead against his shoulder, glancing down in fascination on what she was doing as she listened to his soft noises and felt his hands slide all over, her neck, her waist, her bum.

"You've got a beautiful cock," she blurted, flushing with heat as the word was out of her mouth. In terms of words spoken aloud, she was more of a euphemism sort of person in the usual run of things. It seemed totally stupid to say something like that and not be a big enough girl to face up to it, though, so she added, "A beautiful beautiful cock," leaning her head back to look at him with a defiant grin through her blush, adding a gentle slide over the head of said cock on each upstroke.

It didn't take very long, both of them intent on the same goal, and she leaned up and kissed him, felt him gasp and groan into her mouth as he tensed and came, spurting into the spray of water over her belly and her breasts.

"That was lovely," she stated with satisfaction as she washed herself with the soap afterwards. He helped, his eyes soft and sated, but she wriggled out of his more friendly ouvertures, kissing him again before she climbed out of the shower.

"I'd take longer than you, and we need to leave," she explained as she towelled dry. "You can take advantage of me on the island though. I'm rather hoping for it." Shooting him another frisky grin she walked into the bedroom, leaving him to finish in the shower while she dressed and fixed breakfast.


shh_zach September 24 2007, 21:08:54 UTC
"I know I am," Zach whispered, arching against her, feeling the smooth slide of her body against his. Her fingers were slick with soap and tight around him and he thrust forward into her grip, moaning softly. He smiled down at her as she watched her hand move over him, watching as well, letting his hands move over her slick skin. God, she felt good.

Her words surprised him as much as they turned him on. "I like it when you say things like that," he whispered as she said it again. He reached up and touched her face as she looked at him, smiling and blushing and looking so entirely lovely that it took his breath away.

He lost himself in her kiss and he held her close as he came so hard, feeling his knees go weak as he cluched her and emptied himself against her belly.

He clung to her for a moment before pulling back for a kiss, and when she grabbed the soap he took it from her, and helped her wash. She wriggled as his hands slid over her breasts and then pulled away as he reached between her thighs.

Groaning, he reluctantly let her go as she stepped out of the shower. "I could hurry. I'm getting pretty good at it, you know?" he argued, soaping himself up. "And I fully intend to take advantage of you whenever and wherever I can."

He rinsed and turned off the water, toweling his hair dry before tucking it around his waist and walking into the kitchen, coming up behind her and wrapping her arms around her waist, kissing her neck as he rubbed lazily against her as she fixed the eggs.

"Smells good. You smell even better. Sure I can't eat you instead? You can hop right up on the table for me," he whispered, sucking on her earlobe, only half teasing. He knew she wanted to leave soon.


shh_mandy September 24 2007, 21:41:31 UTC
She'd packed the food for their trip the night before and put a cooling charm on it, so after getting dressed in jeans and a close-fitting shirt, she could concentrate on just making breakfast, brewing tea and scrambling eggs and popping slices of bread into the toaster.

A wet-haired Zach with a towel tucked around his waist was one of the more distracting sights she knew. She pushed the eggs around in the frying pan and stole glances as he came into the kitchen, then snuck up behind her. "Mmm," she hummed, rubbing right back against him, her bum snugly pressed up against his crotch. The offer he whispered in her ear made her blush again and moan softly, mostly because she knew that despite the teasing tone, he'd have her up on the table in a second if she agreed.

"You're wicked, tempting a poor girl like that. You know I'd love to," she murmured. "Give me the offer any other morning and you'll see how fast i can hop. Now go get the sugar from the pantry, and milk and jam and butter in the fridge." Turning first to give him a soft, open-mouthed kiss, she took the pan from the cooker and spooned the scrambled eggs onto two plates.


shh_zach September 24 2007, 21:49:55 UTC
"If you give me the slightest chance, I can show you just how wicked I am," he whispered back, smiling against her throat as she wriggled back against him. He spread his palm flat over her belly and held her flush against him for a moment.

He gave an exaggerated sigh at the directions, but then smiled as she turned to kiss him. "Yes, ma'am," he said, grinning and going to the pantry. He got the sugar and then went to the fridge to get the rest of the items, taking them all back to the table.

"I'm going to get dressed while you finish up," he said, taking the towel off while standing there in the kitchen. He stretched and winked at her before turning and walking out of the room, grinning widely.


shh_mandy September 25 2007, 07:35:42 UTC
"I know exactly how wicked you are," she confided under her breath, smiling. "Else I wouldn't be this bloody tempted, would I?"

She grinned wider at the put-out sigh he gave for show as she gave him orders. He obeyed gamely though, going between pantry and fridge and table and getting everything ready the way she'd told him.

"All right," she replied as he told her he was going to get dressed, glancing up at him as she was setting teacups on the table. He dropped the towel, stretched with indecent grace and winked at her, and the cups danced on the saucers as she lost her breath and stared, suffused with a heat that she knew had her turning pink right out to her ears and her neck, at the same time she couldn't help a little squeak of laughter at his nerve. He knew so damned well how much she fancied him.

"Evil sexy brat, just you wait," she muttered after him as he turned that perfect bum to her and swaggered out of the kitchen. "On the island, no one can hear you scream, you know. Yeah, you think about that."

Shaking her head and telling her body firmly that no, it couldn't run after him and tackle him down on the bed, she went to get the bread out of the toaster and poured tea for them both before sitting down and spooning out sugar in her cup.

The first rays of the sun were sidling in her window from the east, but there were raindrops on the window from recent showers. She'd checked the forecast for north-east England and with any chance they'd have decent weather for the day, light scattered showers but a fair bit of sun, and not too hard a wind, which made a big difference on the open coast. Unlike her visit earlier in the year, she was looking forward to this day. She knew better what to expect now, but also, she was excited, if a bit nervous, to show Zach the place. It was her favourite spot on earth and she wanted more than she cared to admit for him to love it like she did.


shh_zach September 25 2007, 11:07:48 UTC
The teacups rattled on the saucers and she blushed and Zach grinned wider at her suprised laugh.

He walked into the bedroom, hearing her mutter. "What was that, love? You want me to make you scream?" he teased, deliberately mishearing the comment.

He pulled on a pair of well worn jeans and a teeshirt before sitting down and putting on his boots. He grabbed his sweater and carried it into the kitchen, tossing it over the back of the chair and sweeping Mandy into a hug and dancing her around the kitchen, regardless of the toast that was in her hand.

"Look, I got dressed. Just like a good boy. I request that I be rewarded for that." He dipped his head and stole a kiss before she could reply. "Love your lips," he whispered against them, one hand drifting down past her waist and squeezing.


shh_mandy September 26 2007, 09:45:39 UTC
She was buttering her toast when Zach came back into the kitchen, and arched an eyebrow to him in acknowledgement of his quip as he'd left the room. She was about to give him her considered reply when he crossed straight to her, making her eyes widen with his purposeful grin before he scooped her up from the chair and hugged her close, then swept her around the floor in a happy dance. Mandy, her right hand holding buttered toast, laughed with breathless surprise and kept in step as well as she could, stumbling and catching herself with her left hand around his shoulder, still laughing, never worried he'd let her fall. She knew he'd never.

When he stopped and requested his reward she opened her mouth to reply but got a soft kiss instead from his smiling lips, got a warm hand wandering down to her bum and squeezing as he pressed her close to him. She swayed close, kissed him back with a giddy sweet swoop in her stomach, her eyes shining when the kiss ended and they looked at each other.

"You are a good boy," she whispered tenderly. "But ... right under that, you're quite a bad boy, you know. But under that, you're real sweet and good again. You're good-bad-good stripey."

She leaned up to kiss the corner of his mouth because it curved up in a way she just couldn't resist, and then giggled glancing down at the piece of toast dangling from her buttery fingertips, raising it to his lips. "Want a bite?" she murmured.


shh_zach September 26 2007, 10:48:53 UTC
She was lovely, laughing in his arms, her hair still damp, a piece clinging to her sweet face. The kiss was sweet, all the sweeter by her body moving against his, warm and soft and familiar.

"Good-bad-good stripey?" he asked, amuzed. "That's... the oddest compliment I've ever gotten." He tickled her sides as he teased her, pulling her a bit closering and loving the way she laughed. "I love it though. Thank you."

"Of you? You've no idea how much I want that," he murmured, leaning down to nip at her throat. He grinned at her as he pulled back and took a massive bite of her toast, taking more than half, chuckling at the look she gave him. Chewing and swallowing, he gave her a buttery kiss. "What else will you offer me now, Princess?" He gave her bum another squeeze. "Let's eat before I carry you back to bed. Or take you on the counter. You're entirely too tempting, you know that?"


shh_mandy September 26 2007, 13:07:20 UTC
She squirmed in his arms, snorting a giggle and dipping her head as she tried to ward off his long tickling fingers with her one free hand. "You're welcome," she said through the gasps of laughter. "Three layers, that's quite impressive for a bloke, isn't it?"

She let out a hiccup of relief as he stopped, then was set off again at the sight of him opening his mouth wide and biting off the major part of her toast in one go, his gaze showing equal amusement at her reaction. She tasted butter off his lips when he kissed her and hummed and wriggled her bum back into his squeezing hand.

"On the counter," she volunteered, laughter making her daring even though there was a part of her that always got rather flustered when Zach spoke in that low bedroom voice about 'taking' her. Rather flustered and terribly turned on, at once. "We haven't tried that yet. But not now." She popped the remaining piece of toast into his mouth to shut him up as she saw a reply on its way, and grabbed him by the hand, leading him to the table and firmly pushing him down in his chair. "Now try to control that middle, bad stripe of yours long enough so we can actually eat breakfast and get going."

Sitting down in her own chair, she buttered yet another piece of toast and forked up scrambled eggs, eating with determination and sipping hot sweet mouthfuls of tea. It was possible, just possible she had to admit, that she licked her fingers a little more than strictly necessary to tease him, though.


shh_zach September 26 2007, 20:31:05 UTC
"It is quite impressive, yes. But then, I'm quite an impressive bloke." He gave her his most charming smile. Her laughter was musical almost, sweet and light, and if he'd been blind, he'd have known just from hearing it that she was beautiful.

She wiggled against his fingers and he squeezed again, holding her close and moaning softly as she spoke of the counter as well and then stuffed the toast in his mouth to stop a protest and pulled away.

He found it terribly difficult to control that part of himself with her talking about fucking in the kitchen.

His cock was much more interested in her than his stomach was in food. However, he followed her to the table, and found himself seated with a plate in front of him in the next instant and he tried not to grumble too much as he picked up his fork.

"Thanks for breakfast, babe," he said, taking a few bites. He growled though, when she licked her fingers. "Minx. You need to watch it. I'm not doing the best of jobs at holding myself in check. It won't take much," he warned, reaching under the table to squeeze her thigh.


shh_mandy September 26 2007, 21:14:08 UTC
"I'm watching it all the time," she said innocently, pressing her knees together to catch his hand between her thighs. "It's often hard to look away in fact, especially when you put it on full display in the middle of the kitchen floor. Mmm, this plum jam's delicious." She scooped up a little on her fingertip and slowly painted the sticky jam over his full lower lip, inviting him to suck it off. Her smile was probably a bit too smug considering she was playing with fire, and watching him she knew that she'd have to get a hold of herself and get them out of the kitchen, because she just couldn't resist teasing, and Zach really did look like he was hanging on to his self control by a rather slender thread.

"I'm sorry," she said ruefully, leaning across to kiss any remains of jam off his lips. "I know I'm terrible. But I really want to get to the island. We'll make up for it when we've done the job there, I promise." Sitting back and trying her best to look schoolmistress prim and proper, she finished her scrambled eggs, then put plum jam on the rest of her toast, and ate that neatly, too.

"I've already packed food for the day, and a sleeping bag..." She blushed, as she took her plate and teacup to the sink. "Just in case. You've got a warm sweater, good. Take a jacket that'll keep the rain out, showers could be heavier up north. I'll go and brush my teeth and clear the table when you're finished, and I'll be ready to go."


shh_zach September 26 2007, 21:29:25 UTC
Her finger slid over his lip, sticky and sweet with plum jam. His tongue peeked out to lick his lip and his eyes darkened as he looked at her, feeling his body respond.

When she leaned over to kiss him, he reached up, burying his fingers into her hair and holding her, kissing her deeply for a moment before relinquishing his hold on her. "All right," he murmured at her promise, squeezing her thigh with his other hand and sighing somewhat pathetically.

Shaking himself, he finished eating, stealing glances at her and attempting to keep his hands to himself. He pressed his leg against hers instead.

"We're staying the night?" he asked. "I like that idea. And I brought a jacket, it's in the bedroom." She went to brush her teeth and he cleared the table himself, meeting her coming out of the bathroom. "Ready?" he asked, wrapping his arms tightly around her and kissing her nose.


shh_mandy September 27 2007, 13:49:17 UTC
She smiled at his small defeated sigh, showing her appreciation of his attempt to be good with a light stroke of her fingers over the back of his hand.

"We could stay the night, and apparate back in the morning," she said. "We can decide later, okay? I don't have to be terribly early at the office tomorrow, so it's up to you." She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, on her way to the bathroom. "I've only got one sleeping bag though. We'd have to sleep really close," she whispered.

When she got back, he asked if she was ready, pulling her close and kissing her nose, and she relaxed against him, rubbing her cheek gently against his shoulder. "Yeah, just got to get my backpack from the bedroom and grab the bag with the food." She closed her eyes for a moment, just enjoying the warmth and the scent of him. "I'm nervous," she admitted with a quiet laugh. "And I know that's silly, but I want you so much to like it. It's not grand or spectacular, just a grey rock in the sea with grass and brambles and a few trees. But it's a place that means a lot to me."


shh_zach September 27 2007, 19:49:14 UTC
"I'm not going to argue with sleeping close to you... though I'm not sure how much sleep we'll get, being that close."

He hugged her to his chest and felt her relax against him, letting him hold her. Furrowing his brow, he kissed her hair, stroking his hands over her back. "There's no reason to be nervous." Pulling back, he tipped her chin up and caught her eye. "If this place is important to you... special to you, then I'll love it. No question. I'd love anything that's a part of you. Don't you know that?" Leaning in, he kissed her tenderly before reaching to give her one more squeeze and then going to pick up the bags, sleeping bag, and the food. Walkin back to her, he smiled and kissed her temple. "All right, sweetheart. Take me there."


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