RP: Foggy Day in London Town

Jun 17, 2007 09:56

Date: June 17, 2005
Character(s): Roger Davies, Hermione Granger
Location: London
Status: Private
Summary: Roger and Hermione spend Sunday out of town.
Completion: Complete

It was cloudy, but so far, it hadn't rained.  Roger turned away from the kitchen window and moved to the refrigerator to retrieve a carton of milk. Chugging it, he shut the ( Read more... )

roger davies, place: london, june 2005, hermione granger

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shh_hermione June 17 2007, 16:17:54 UTC
After taking a quick shower, Hermione got dressed. She could have changed in Roger's bedroom, she knew, but she knew if she went out of the loo wearing just a towel, they'd end up spending most the day in bed. While that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, she was looking forward to spending the day with Roger and exploring wherever he planned to take her ( ... )


shh_roger June 17 2007, 16:37:33 UTC
When he heard Hermione leave the loo and walk towards him, he sat up, smiling as she leaned down for a kiss. "Dunno," he said, standing and taking her by the waist to deepen the kiss. "I'm ready. So if you are, then yeah."

He smiled as he pulled back and tugged at her damp hair. "We're going to London," he said with an arched brow. "And yes, I realise how broad that statement is but that's all you get." He moved past her for his sweatshirt and her jacket. "Besides, we'll be there in minutes. It might rain later so with that and the distance I figure it's better to Apparate," he said when he turned back to her.


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 16:41:56 UTC
After Roger stood up and deepened the kiss, it took her a moment to remember what they'd been talking about. "I'm ready."

When he said London, she frowned in thought and tried to decide where their destination would be. She normally hated surprises and not knowing what to expect, but Roger's surprises tended to be interesting puzzles more than annoying.

"London?" she repeated thoughtfully. "And obviously involving some sort of outdoor activity or at least walking, if you're concerned about the weather." She took her jacket from him and put it on before she moved closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Apparating is fine with me."


shh_roger June 17 2007, 16:59:16 UTC
"Yeah, but nearly on the outskirts," he said, pulling on his sweatshirt but leaving it unzipped for now. "And yes, there'll be some walking outdoors, so long as it doesn't rain too hard." He spotted the brochure he'd left on the end table and grabbed it, stuffing it in his back pocket before he grinned. Hopefully she'd not seen it. "I hope you like it."

When she moved closer, he wrapped his arms around her and brushed his lips over her nose before he closed his eyes and focused. It had been a while since he'd bee anywhere near this place, but he figured as long as he landed them on a side street a safe distance away they'd be fine. He pulled back and squeezed her hands.

"It's Hampton Court Palace," he said, glancing across at the building once he'd led her a bit closer. "I thought about bringing you to the Museum, like I'd planned to that one time, but this place might be less crowded today and it has a lot of history. We can explore the Palace, or there's something like 60 acres of gardens here if the weather holds. Whatever you


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 17:29:36 UTC
Roger kissed her nose before he Apparated them, not giving her time to sneak a kiss. They arrived somewhere outside, and she took a moment to get past the usual disorientation that accompanied Apparation. When he squeezed her hands nad stepped back, she entwined her fingers around his and looked around.

In the distance, she could see a rather large old building surrounded by gardens and beautiful grounds. "Oh, it's lovely," she murmured. "Hampton Court Palace? I have to admit that I've never been here before, though I've heard of it, of course."

"We can go to the museum some other time," she decided, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "This is a wonderful surprise, especially as I know you'd probably spend the day doing nearly anything else other than touring an old building and gardens."


shh_roger June 17 2007, 17:52:57 UTC
He grinned, pleased that she'd not been before. Compared to him, and most people for that matter, Hermione was something of a history buff, and this was kind of a prominent place in terms of Muggle British history, so she'd probably read a lot about it at least.

"I'm glad you like it," he said, bending his head close to breathe in her scent as she kissed his cheek. "And, well, I'm always up for a bit of culture, especially since you're so into history. Though admittedly, Muggle Royal history hasn't ever been a particular area of interest of mine." He took her hand and pulled the brochure out of his pocket, giving it to her.

"It was King Henry VII's place for a while, and used by quite a few monarchs afterward," he said as they walked toward the building. "Anyway, the architecture's brilliant, it's right on the Thames, and there's supposed to be a labyrinth in the garden somewhere to get lost in." He squeezed her hand.

"Not to mention a few ghosts in the palace," he added with a small smirk. "No worries, though; I'll protect you."


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 18:20:52 UTC
"Muggle Royal history isn't a particular interest of mine, either, but the architecture is beautiful and the history is nearly palpable," she said, almost bouncing on the heels of her feet. She took the pamphlet from him and read it thoroughly before she took his hand against and smiled.

"A labyrinth? That sounds interesting," she told him, wondering if they could get lost enough to steal a kiss or two. They approached the building, and she listened as Roger explained a little from the pamphlet they'd both read, finding it very sweet that he'd gone to so much trouble for her.

"Hmph. As if I need protecting from a few spirits," she muttered, rolling her eyes before she hit her hip against his. "I should be the one offering to protect you, if anything, though I think we can both take care of ourselves in the face of ghosts."


shh_roger June 17 2007, 18:48:47 UTC
"Yeah," he agreed as he flipped through the pamphlet to the page on the labyrinth. "Definitely interesting." He hoped there weren't many people in the maze once they got there, as he intended to get them as lost as possible ( ... )


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 19:01:48 UTC
After they paid their entry fee, which was somewhat steep, in her opinion, they entered the Great Hall. There was information given to them that she read thoroughly as she studied the area. Roger was impressed by the ceiling, which wasn't surprising since he always seemed to be interested in wood and carvings ( ... )


shh_roger June 17 2007, 19:46:52 UTC
Hermione seemed a little distracted as they left the Great Hall, and he wondered what was on her mind as he looked down from the ceiling and moved to stand at her back and peered down at the reading materials she'd collected once they'd entered. He kissed her temple before he stepped back and took her hand again. If she was worried about something and needed to talk, she would tell him, he knew ( ... )


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 20:02:23 UTC
When he became silent, she glanced at him, wondering what was on his mind. Then he said that they were on the same page, and she smiled. "I'm glad," she said simply. She didn't think it was the right time to admit that she was happy they shared similar taste in furniture because she'd indulged the thought of sharing a home with him numerous times in recent weeks ( ... )


shh_roger June 17 2007, 20:31:05 UTC
"Wouldn't mind taking you somewhere dancing that's quiet, though," he said as he pulled back, imagining her in some sort of dress, moving with him in a lowly-lit club close to closing time after most everyone had left. Somewhere that played that old music she liked -- and that he liked, when he was with her ( ... )


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 20:39:22 UTC
"Thank you, kind sir," she said, having to smile as she hooked her arm through his. "Adjourn to the gardens? Are you certain you've not been sneaking reads at Jane Austen, Mister Davies?"

They went outside to explore the gardens, which were beautifully done. "These are lovely," she murmured, studying each flower and tree as they walked past. "I've no talent at all with growing things, unfortunately, but I'd like to have a pretty garden someday."

The southern end of the gardens had a variety of trees that had been moved here for the owner's enjoyment, she assumed. At Roger's comment, she glanced at him and smiled. "Yes, you should," she agreed. She looked around to make sure no one was about before she kissed his jaw. "I'd like to visit such a place with you."


shh_roger June 17 2007, 21:25:08 UTC
He inclined his head as she gave him her arm, then laughed. "No, unfortunately I'd not be caught dead near an Austen novel, Miss Granger," he said. "Just not my thing, I suppose. I generally go for meatier novels from that period, not that I've read a huge amount of them. They were kind of a late discovery ( ... )


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