RP: Foggy Day in London Town

Jun 17, 2007 09:56

Date: June 17, 2005
Character(s): Roger Davies, Hermione Granger
Location: London
Status: Private
Summary: Roger and Hermione spend Sunday out of town.
Completion: Complete

It was cloudy, but so far, it hadn't rained.  Roger turned away from the kitchen window and moved to the refrigerator to retrieve a carton of milk. Chugging it, he shut the ( Read more... )

roger davies, place: london, june 2005, hermione granger

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shh_hermione June 17 2007, 19:01:48 UTC
After they paid their entry fee, which was somewhat steep, in her opinion, they entered the Great Hall. There was information given to them that she read thoroughly as she studied the area. Roger was impressed by the ceiling, which wasn't surprising since he always seemed to be interested in wood and carvings.

Perhaps she could find somewhere to take him next weekend for his birthday that had wooden things that he might like. She was somewhat at a loss of what to do for his birthday, in all honesty, though she knew it would be a private celebration between the two of them. He disliked crowds, after all, and had mentioned to her before that he wasn't overly fond of parties for celebrating his birthday.

Of course, she wasn't fond of crowds, either, but she'd never had an actual birthday party with friends gathering with her, so she wasn't at all sure she'd not enjoy a small, private gathering. What if Roger preferred the idea of celebrating quietly with a few close friends to whatever she thought up? She'd have to figure it out because there was little time to invite a few guests if she decided to have a dinner for him.

When they left the Great Hall, they entered an area called the Georgian Rooms. Her mind was still somewhat analyzing options for Roger's birthday, but she was enjoying the history and feel of the place, as well as just spending time with Roger.

"It is rather over the top, isn't it?" She smiled and surveyed the furniture. "I'd much prefer to have functional furniture than grandiose. Give me a nice solid wood bed and table, and I'd be content."


shh_roger June 17 2007, 19:46:52 UTC
Hermione seemed a little distracted as they left the Great Hall, and he wondered what was on her mind as he looked down from the ceiling and moved to stand at her back and peered down at the reading materials she'd collected once they'd entered. He kissed her temple before he stepped back and took her hand again. If she was worried about something and needed to talk, she would tell him, he knew.

"Yeah, a bit," he said of the Georgian Rooms once they looked around. "I mean I can appreciate the skill it took to make this furniture," he said, noting some of the ornate carvings on the feet of a plush armchair. "But I'd not ever design anything like it. Just not my style."

When Hermione mentioned wanting a solid wood table and bed, his lips curved in a small smile. He could give her those with time of course, and it was a pretty good feeling to be able to make her something like that. Though, he wasn't quite sure how she'd react if he actually told her that he wanted to build her a bed and even knew what sort of wood he'd order for it, what sort of stain he'd use. It was, in fact, more than a little scary for him to put things like that out there anyway. He glanced at her a moment. "We're on the same page there," he said finally.

They made their way a bit more through the castle, exploring more of the rooms and chapels. When they reached the ballroom, Roger looked around to make sure no one was looking before he pulled her close, pressing a hand to the small of her back and taking her hand. With his face close to hers, he swayed slightly and stepped to the side, even though these days the room was more given to conferences and weddings than elaborate balls. "Think I prefer dancing in the rain to a room like this," he whispered before he stepped back.

Hermione seemed fascinated, which pleased him and reminded him of the time they'd visited Bath and she'd been so absorbed in the exhibits at the Roman Baths. Roger took a look out of the window, glad that the weather seemed to be holding enough for him to take her through the gardens and have a go at the labyrinth. Hermione wasn't much into games, he knew, but a life-size maze was a lot more fun than pinball.

He squeezed her hand. "Would you like to see more indoors, or should we start on the gardens? We've not come across that ghost yet so maybe we shouldn't press our luck." He laughed.


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 20:02:23 UTC
When he became silent, she glanced at him, wondering what was on his mind. Then he said that they were on the same page, and she smiled. "I'm glad," she said simply. She didn't think it was the right time to admit that she was happy they shared similar taste in furniture because she'd indulged the thought of sharing a home with him numerous times in recent weeks.

They continued exploring the rooms, taking their time while she read informative plaques and studied the displays. It wasn't very crowded, which was a relief because it let them take their time without the risk of running into groups of tourists. It was fun to visit places like this with Roger, seeing the history in their own backyard that they'd never really explored.

The ballroom was lovely, and she looked around curiously when they stepped inside. Roger pulled her against him, moving his hand down her back while taking her hand. She laughed softly when he began to dance to silent music, reaching up to stroke his face as they danced a few steps before he let her go.

"Me too," she whispered, reluctant to step away but fully aware that a group of people could come in at any time. She squeezed his hand before they continued their tour.

After they spent a couple of hours looking around, she wasn't surprised when he asked about going outside. "I think we can start on the gardens, if you'd like," she decided, knowing that he was probably bored and, really, she'd seen enough during their tour to suit her.


shh_roger June 17 2007, 20:31:05 UTC
"Wouldn't mind taking you somewhere dancing that's quiet, though," he said as he pulled back, imagining her in some sort of dress, moving with him in a lowly-lit club close to closing time after most everyone had left. Somewhere that played that old music she liked -- and that he liked, when he was with her.

Once they'd seen most of the rooms and spent a long while exploring, Hermione acknowledged that she'd like to go outside and have a look through the gardens. He grinned and held out an elbow. "Very well, Miss," he said, fully aware that the action might look a little silly whilst dressed in denims and well-worn blue shirt rather than in a top coat and hat. "We'll adjourn to the gardens, then."

Even though he'd never given gardens and landscaping very much thought, Roger could appreciate the meticulously kept and lush gardens. And, well, they were huge, and featured so many different species of plants, flowers and trees. It was also the perfect time of year to see them. The brochure had even said the gardens here boasted a flower show here each year. One day, he'd take her back to see it.

They walked to the south end of the gardens first, the warmest part where they found an extensive collection of tender exotics that weren't native to England and would probably be much more at home in the tropics, or at least in South France or Spain. There was every type of citrus tree, and mangoes, agaves, aloes, things one just didn't find around here. As they browsed the trees, he smiled. "I should take you someplace where these grow naturally," he said.


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 20:39:22 UTC
"Thank you, kind sir," she said, having to smile as she hooked her arm through his. "Adjourn to the gardens? Are you certain you've not been sneaking reads at Jane Austen, Mister Davies?"

They went outside to explore the gardens, which were beautifully done. "These are lovely," she murmured, studying each flower and tree as they walked past. "I've no talent at all with growing things, unfortunately, but I'd like to have a pretty garden someday."

The southern end of the gardens had a variety of trees that had been moved here for the owner's enjoyment, she assumed. At Roger's comment, she glanced at him and smiled. "Yes, you should," she agreed. She looked around to make sure no one was about before she kissed his jaw. "I'd like to visit such a place with you."


shh_roger June 17 2007, 21:25:08 UTC
He inclined his head as she gave him her arm, then laughed. "No, unfortunately I'd not be caught dead near an Austen novel, Miss Granger," he said. "Just not my thing, I suppose. I generally go for meatier novels from that period, not that I've read a huge amount of them. They were kind of a late discovery."

"I don't get into gardening much either," he said, as he watched Hermione stop and study a rosebush. There were a few bees around, so he stood a bit closer to her. Hermione probably smelled as good to them as she did to him. "But I admit they're pretty relaxing."

He grinned. "Then we'll go this summer," he decided. "Though, I reserve the right to pick the place, since there's a huge variety of places that would fit the bill." It wasn't that he couldn't see, and wasn't looking forward to, seeing Hermione in a swimsuit right here at home. But there was something about white sand and turquoise water that was especially appealing. He tried to imagine the way her skin would flush and warm under the sun on Dominica, and smiled at the thought as he watched her.

After a moment, he cleared his throat and took her hand. "Ah, right. Lots more to see." They left the exotics collection and moved to the Privy Gardens, which looked more like courtyards, spread out over acres. The grass grew in intricate patterns on a sandy background, and they walked past neatly shaped trees and shrubs while he held her hand and moved his thumb over her knuckles.

"Looks more like art than shrubbery," he commented as they passed a perfectly conical evergreen shrub. He looked back; an elderly couple was coming up behind them, holding hands. He let Hermione's go so they could separate long enough for the couple to walk between them on the path. "I'm glad it's somewhat quiet today," he said when he joined back up with Hermione and clasped her hand again.


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