RP: Foggy Day in London Town

Jun 17, 2007 09:56

Date: June 17, 2005
Character(s): Roger Davies, Hermione Granger
Location: London
Status: Private
Summary: Roger and Hermione spend Sunday out of town.
Completion: Complete

It was cloudy, but so far, it hadn't rained.  Roger turned away from the kitchen window and moved to the refrigerator to retrieve a carton of milk. Chugging it, he shut the ( Read more... )

roger davies, place: london, june 2005, hermione granger

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Comments 36

shh_hermione June 17 2007, 16:17:54 UTC
After taking a quick shower, Hermione got dressed. She could have changed in Roger's bedroom, she knew, but she knew if she went out of the loo wearing just a towel, they'd end up spending most the day in bed. While that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, she was looking forward to spending the day with Roger and exploring wherever he planned to take her ( ... )


shh_roger June 17 2007, 16:37:33 UTC
When he heard Hermione leave the loo and walk towards him, he sat up, smiling as she leaned down for a kiss. "Dunno," he said, standing and taking her by the waist to deepen the kiss. "I'm ready. So if you are, then yeah."

He smiled as he pulled back and tugged at her damp hair. "We're going to London," he said with an arched brow. "And yes, I realise how broad that statement is but that's all you get." He moved past her for his sweatshirt and her jacket. "Besides, we'll be there in minutes. It might rain later so with that and the distance I figure it's better to Apparate," he said when he turned back to her.


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 16:41:56 UTC
After Roger stood up and deepened the kiss, it took her a moment to remember what they'd been talking about. "I'm ready."

When he said London, she frowned in thought and tried to decide where their destination would be. She normally hated surprises and not knowing what to expect, but Roger's surprises tended to be interesting puzzles more than annoying.

"London?" she repeated thoughtfully. "And obviously involving some sort of outdoor activity or at least walking, if you're concerned about the weather." She took her jacket from him and put it on before she moved closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Apparating is fine with me."


shh_roger June 17 2007, 16:59:16 UTC
"Yeah, but nearly on the outskirts," he said, pulling on his sweatshirt but leaving it unzipped for now. "And yes, there'll be some walking outdoors, so long as it doesn't rain too hard." He spotted the brochure he'd left on the end table and grabbed it, stuffing it in his back pocket before he grinned. Hopefully she'd not seen it. "I hope you like it."

When she moved closer, he wrapped his arms around her and brushed his lips over her nose before he closed his eyes and focused. It had been a while since he'd bee anywhere near this place, but he figured as long as he landed them on a side street a safe distance away they'd be fine. He pulled back and squeezed her hands.

"It's Hampton Court Palace," he said, glancing across at the building once he'd led her a bit closer. "I thought about bringing you to the Museum, like I'd planned to that one time, but this place might be less crowded today and it has a lot of history. We can explore the Palace, or there's something like 60 acres of gardens here if the weather holds. Whatever you


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 21:42:43 UTC
"That's a rather vague proposal, Davies," she pointed out matter-of-factly. "If I agree, it gives you quite a bit of control over the journey, from destination to plans when we're there. It's very fortunate for you that I trust you and would foolishly agree to such an offer, if only to have you all to myself in some tropic locale ( ... )


shh_roger June 17 2007, 22:00:03 UTC
"So you agree, then," he said and cocked a cheeky grin as he got to the bottom line of her statement. "Figured you would. I promise to relinquish some of that control once we get there, yeah? And, I'd have you to myself as well, so really, you could do whatever you wanted with me. I'd ask you to be gentle, but I happen to trust you, too." He lifted her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist, lightly, almost tickling the delicate skin ( ... )


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 22:13:00 UTC
"Arrogant prat," she muttered when she saw his cheeky grin. "Oh, did you? Then I suppose that I need to stop being so predictable, don't I?" She frowned at him. "There you go again. Ruin a nice snit by offering to let me do anything I want to you. In the face of that, I can't even maintain a scowl."

"I wish we'd thought to buy another of those disposable cameras. We've have been able to take some pretty photos out here," she mused. She still needed to actually buy a real camera as the disposable ones were nice, but not very handy at all.

He was no help in regards to his birthday. She shook her head. "Would you like to have a dinner with close friends? Or a party at the pub or something?" she asked, deciding to figure out the day before she began to consider his present again. "I'd originally intended to just kidnap you for the weekend, but I realized that you might rather celebrate with friends and not just me. I might be selfish, but I'm not that selfish."


shh_roger June 17 2007, 22:33:17 UTC
He frowned consideringly. "Ah, but I happen to like your snits, as you well know. Should have let it go a bit longer, but it's not as if I could grab you and snog you in public amongst all these people and shrubs, so I guess it's just as well. I'll settle with my dreams of the things you'll do to me once you get me where I take us." He paused. "Hopefully that made at least some sense ( ... )


shh_hermione June 18 2007, 02:26:25 UTC
It was probably silly to react in such a way to a group of hedges, but it brought back memories she'd rather keep safely locked away in the corners of her mind. Her side throbbed, though the pain was only minimal, and she knew she was just imagining that it seemed to feel even worse than usual. She stretched out the fingers of her left hand and kept her right around Roger's hand as they walked towards the exit.

"There's no need to be sorry, Roger," she said sincerely. She looked up at him as she squeezed his hand. "It's been a lovely day, hasn't it? A historic palace, beautiful gardens, stolen kisses beneath a tree, and you. What more could I want?"

She lowered her voice so no one else would hear. "Honestly, it's fine. I knew there was a labyrinth, after all. I'd just not realized...it just brought back memories better left forgotten," she whispered. "But, really, please don't apologize because it's been a wonderful day and now we can go have lunch somewhere."


shh_roger June 18 2007, 02:48:03 UTC
After they left and she turned to him, he took her other hand. He'd noticed her flexing it before, and he gripped it and moved his thumb over the knuckles before he raised it to his lips and kissed it. She told him he didn't need to be sorry and he only nodded. He'd already said it, had felt it needed to be said, but there was no need to focus more on it, he realised as he studied her face.

"Yeah," he murmured. "I've had such a brilliant time with you today."

At her next words, he pulled her a few steps away, behind a tree, and pulled her to him. He kept it brief lest anyone be looking and make her uncomfortable, but he wrapped his arms around her tightly and made it count. "Alright, Hermione," he said seriously once he pulled back. "As long as you're fine. I just -- it won't happen again; that's all I'll say." He met her eyes, took her hand again. "Today's been fantastic so far, and I'm happy I was able to show you a good time."

He tried a smile. "And I'm definitely ready for some food, if you are."


shh_hermione June 18 2007, 02:59:36 UTC
"Of course you did," she murmured, smiling up at him as she moved her fingers over his jaw. "We always have a brilliant time together."

When he pulled her behind a tree and hugged her tightly, she returned the hug. "We don't have to hide just to share a hug, Roger," she told him softly. "I'm not comfortable sharing kisses in public, but I'd not care if someone happened to see us hugging. I don't want you to feel like I'm ashamed of us or that you have to worry about a hug."

"And, yes, it's been a lovely day, and it's only half over," she said, wishing he'd not worry so much and could smile. She thought it probably went back to that need of his to protect her from everything that might hurt, which she found admirable yet frustrating. She'd rather have him there for a hug whenever something did happen than be shielded from life, which wasn't always perfect by any means.

"We've still got lunch and I happen to recall a promise regarding ideas of entertainment later." She smiled. "For now, though, food would be good."


shh_roger June 19 2007, 04:30:28 UTC
"I know you aren't ashamed of us," he said as he took her hand and they walked to the pavement again. He placed his hands on her shoulders and moved them down her arms to grip her fingers. "I just needed to hug you, and I didn't want to make you more uncomfortable."

Studying her face, it looked like Hermione was really okay, and not just saying she was to make him feel less like an arse. It was just that when he'd glanced over and she'd been so pale and shaky ... seeing her like that jarred him as much as it did her. The thought that he'd caused it, however indirectly, didn't sit well with him. But she seemed fine now, and was smiling and talking about their day. He squeezed her hand.

"Oh, I'd not soon forget that promise. Don't worry -- I won't let you forget, either. I just might give you random ideas throughout the day, and you can decide which of them you'd like to do try I get you home." He moved his thumb over her skin, watched her. "Now, let's go find something to eat before I get other ideas."


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