RP: Foggy Day in London Town

Jun 17, 2007 09:56

Date: June 17, 2005
Character(s): Roger Davies, Hermione Granger
Location: London
Status: Private
Summary: Roger and Hermione spend Sunday out of town.
Completion: Complete

It was cloudy, but so far, it hadn't rained.  Roger turned away from the kitchen window and moved to the refrigerator to retrieve a carton of milk. Chugging it, he shut the ( Read more... )

roger davies, place: london, june 2005, hermione granger

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shh_roger June 17 2007, 22:33:17 UTC
He frowned consideringly. "Ah, but I happen to like your snits, as you well know. Should have let it go a bit longer, but it's not as if I could grab you and snog you in public amongst all these people and shrubs, so I guess it's just as well. I'll settle with my dreams of the things you'll do to me once you get me where I take us." He paused. "Hopefully that made at least some sense."

"We can come back sometime and get pictures," he said. "When the flower show is here, or something. Or we'll just go off our memories. Besides, it can't be your fault we don't have them as I'm the one who knew where we were going."

She seemed not to be very satisfied with his answer about celebrating his birthday. He smiled slightly as she continued to feel him out about it. "Well, seeing friends would be good," he said, "since I work all the time and don't have much time for socialising, but I don't have as many close friends as I used to so if anything it'd be small, casual. I did the loud, wild party thing for birthdays before so I'm pretty much over that. Really? You're the most important thing to me and what I'm most thankful for this year, so seriously. I just want you."

He put his free hand into his pocket as they walked. "I suppose I'm selfish too."


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 22:40:57 UTC
When he went into an odd ramble, she had to laugh. "Not a lot of sense, but I understood the basics. And what do you mean where you take us? Isn't this where you intended to bring us today?"

"You're not helping," she muttered, blushing faintly when he said she was the most important thing to him. "Do you want me to arrange a dinner with friends or do you want to be kidnapped to go somewhere I decide to celebrate with just the two of us? There. That's as basic as I can get to find out what you prefer."

She glanced up at him and smiled. "We make quite a pair then, both being so selfish about the most important things to us," she said softly, wishing that they weren't in a garden with tourists snapping photographs because she really wanted to kiss him right then.


shh_roger June 17 2007, 22:57:34 UTC
"I meant later this summer. The place I haven't picked yet, where you will be having your way with me?" he reminded her with a laugh. "But yes, this was as far as my plans went for today."

"Hah, sorry I'm rubbish about the birthday thing," he said when she muttered, and moved his hand down her back. "It's sort of been a while for me. Anyhow, when you put it that way, it's kind of a no-brainer, isn't it? I want it to just be you and me, easily. Whether you kidnap me or not it'll be the best birthday I've ever had."

He nodded, smiled back. "We always did make quite a pair," he murmured, catching the light in her eyes and looking around, deciding it was well worth the lack of privacy to grab her right then. But she might not be quite on board with that, so he tugged her a bit closer to his side as they left the more open area to the North Gardens.

Owing to the high hedges, thick-branched trees that provided lots of shade, and secluded stone benches, it was rather more private. "You know," he said, glancing askance at her as they made their way along a winding stone path, "this is where gentlemen liked to entertain their ladies in private. After balls and such."

He turned to her and gripped her waist as they drew even with a stone bench. "This seems pretty private," he said quietly, lifting a hand to her face before he lowered his head to kiss her, first nipping gently at her mouth and tracing her lips with his tongue.


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 23:09:24 UTC
She rolled her eyes and blushed. "If you keep teasing like that, there'll be now having of any ways during that trip," she warned primly, trying to think about him lying on a blanket against the white sand giving her one of those looks as he touched himself and lured her closer with his wicked smiles. She shook her head slightly and focused on the garden.

"Are you certain?" she asked, studying his face to make sure. "If it were me, I'd want to celebrate privately with friends and then have you all to myself after, so you don't have to feel obligated to just be with me instead of others, too. I'd be there during and, of course, after."

They continued walking after a moment when she thought he might kiss her right there, regardless of the people around. Fortunately, he didn't. While she loved kissing Roger, she wasn't overly comfortable at the thought of doing so with an audience around, even if no one paid them any attention. They finished looking at the gardens before walking into another area of them.

At his comment, she glanced at him and smiled slightly. "I wonder what sort of entertaining those gentlemen had in mind," she mused, watching his lips curve into a mischievous smile that had her tummy fluttering in anticipation.

When he turned towards her and pulled her closer, she tilted her head back and moved her hand behind his head. "Hmm...I suppose it is," she murmured. "Are you wanting to entertaining me, kind sir?" He lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers, nipping and licking before she parted her lips and flicked her tongue against his lips.


shh_roger June 17 2007, 23:38:35 UTC
"Oh, you don't want to be making threats like that," he said, grin turning cheeky again, enjoying the way she'd rolled her eyes blushed. "You'd just be proven wrong once we're there and having our mutual ways with each other before you even realise it. In which case I'd be smug -- but we'd both be quite pleased with ourselves if I had to guess." God, this felt good. He'd not been comfortable enough to flirt and be cheeky in much too long.

He filed Hermione's next words away, as she'd pretty much just told him how she wanted her birthday to be come September. "Well, if it was between just having you or a small group of friends along with you, then it's like I said. I want you. Maybe on the day before we could see some friends, do something fun and private. It's up to you; I'd be so happy with whatever you did for me, Hermione. It just means a lot that you care." He paused, remembering what she'd said before.

"Do you really think I'd feel obligated to spend time with just you on your birthday?" he asked quietly. "Just being with you? That's like, my ideal day. You do realise that, right? "

At her question, his smile spread slowly, mischievously. "Hmm, I've no idea," he said, somewhat sly. "All right, perhaps I've some idea."

He held her tighter and pulled her close once they'd stepped into the shade. "Why, yes, Miss," he said as he lowered his head. "I'm good for all kinds of entertainment." He let out a slow breath as he felt her tongue, warm and wet against his lips. He felt like this kiss had been building all day and they'd not been able to enjoy it because of people around. Tracing his way up her spine, he let his hand slide through her curls, gently tugging as he angled his head and swept his tongue into her mouth, kissing her full-stop.


shh_hermione June 17 2007, 23:51:55 UTC
At his quiet question, she looked at him. "I wasn't sure," she said honestly. "I've not celebrated my birthday since I was a child, because it happened after school started and things were much to busy to be bothered, so I don't really know what kind of celebration you'd like most."

"I realize it now." She bit her lip and watched his face, wondering if he had any idea how those words made her feel. To know that just being with her, more than anything else, was all he wanted, was what he considered an ideal day, it was somewhat overwhelming.

"Maybe we could plan a small dinner the week after," she said softly. "If I'm planning to keep you all to myself, I'd rather not be bothered with other people. Regardless of what plans we make, there'll be a cake, so it'll be enjjoyable."

When he gave her that sly look, she arched a brow and snorted. "Oh, I expect you have more than just 'some idea', Mister Davies."

"Are you?" she whispered against his lips. "I'll have to remember that." She closed her eyes and pressed closer to him as she tangled her fingers in his hair and urged him down. The kiss deepened, and she curled her tongue around his as she forgot, for a few moments, everything but the feel of him against her.


shh_roger June 18 2007, 00:19:17 UTC
"A busy school year is no reason not to celebrate your birthday," he said, thinking that he needed to make this birthday as amazing as he could for her, when it arrived. "I mean, during the war I can almost see it. Mostly, I even forgot about it the last few years. But ... well, never mind. This year we're bloody well celebrating the day you got here." He jammed a hand into his pocket and frowned thoughtfully.

"I'm glad you do," he said seriously, opening her hand and tracing his fingers over her palm. "A dinner after is fine. It's like I said. What better for my birthday than my ideal day? And, well, you've said the magic word, as everything's more enjoyable with cake."

His smiled widened. "Oh, I'm full of ideas at the moment. I'll not deny it." When she whispered against his mouth he licked his lips. "You do that." She moved her tongue around his and he made a low sound as he returned the kiss, gripping her more tightly and sliding his free hand over her hip in a way that was not at all appropriate should anyone happen along. Not that he was really worried about that at the moment.


shh_hermione June 18 2007, 00:30:22 UTC
"Your ideal day," she repeated thoughtfully, able to come up with several different ideas of things she knew he enjoyed. Instead of worrying about doing something complicated, she needed to focus on Roger, who liked to just be with her and spend time talking and dancing. She was overthinking things again, but now she had an idea of what to concentrate on, so she'd be ready by Saturday evening.

When they started kissing, she heard him make one of those noises that caused heat to spread over her. God, she loved making him react, making him lose control, even just a little. She wondered if he felt the same way, since he always seemed so happy when she just let go and enjoyed herself.

She felt his hand on her hip as he pulled her closer, pressing against her as the kiss became more intense and passionate. They'd been heading towards this kiss all morning, with teasing looks and slight smiles. She moved her free hand down his chest and over to rest on his hip, edging the hem of his shirt up so she could lightly stroke his bare skin.


shh_roger June 18 2007, 00:57:32 UTC
"Mmm," was all he said as she relaxed into his touch and returned his kiss heat for heat. She felt so good, and when they were like this it was too easy just to forget everything. He let out a tiny growl as he felt her hands on his skin and wished there was a sturdier surface than one of these tall hedges to press her against. Licking his lips, he decided the shady tree to their left behind Hermione would do nicely.

He backed her up without warning and pressed her against the trunk, pulling back from her mouth to flick his tongue across her earlobe and slip his hand under her shirt. He placed his hand against her warm skin, fingers restless and moving against the small of her back and just barely under the waistband of her denims.


shh_hermione June 18 2007, 01:07:36 UTC
"Oh," she gasped when she suddenly felt a tree behind her. She whined softly and pulled him closer as her lips found his again. She moved her hand higher beneath his shirt, scratching lightly along his ribs and back down again.

Roger was teasing her, the prat, kissing her beneath her ear in that spot that made her shudder. "Roger," she whispered, arching against him when she felt his hand beneath her shirt, touching and caressing as he licked her earlobe and neck.

Distantly, she heard a woman's voice speaking German followed by a child's laughter. Her eyes flew open as she remembered where they were, realized what they were doing.

"Can't," she murmured before she kissed his neck and sighed. "People are coming."


shh_roger June 18 2007, 01:24:32 UTC
Ah, god, she made the loveliest sounds. He couldn't think when she was pressed against him and gasping like that. Fortunately, he didn't need to think, not when it came to pressing his knee between hers against the tree and find the spot below her ear to gently kiss and suck. No, that was as easy as breathing.

He trailed his mouth lower to move his tongue against her throat while he stroked her skin and felt her nails drag over his ribs, which only made him press closer as he felt his trousers tighten.

The sound of a child's bubbly laugh registered dimly before he heard Hermione sigh. A part of him, mainly the part nestled against Hermione's flat belly, went into mourning as he stepped back and released his grip on her waist. Squeezing her fingers, he looked around then pulled her towards the stone bench quickly, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"Note to self," he muttered after the child skipped past with her mother, with a wry smile as he looked at Hermione. "Never wait an entire day to kiss you."


shh_hermione June 18 2007, 01:30:50 UTC
At that moment, she considered hurriedly casting a concealment charm. However, she didn't know if she'd be at all successful considering the state of her emotions, so she didn't dare even try. Roger was pressed against her and felt so bloody good, though, that she couldn't resist glaring slightly at the child who had interrupted.

Of course, then she realized just how close she'd been to allowing him to do things right there against a tree in a public garden. It surprised her, and she wasn't entirely sure whether it was in a good way or not. She just didn't do things like this, not where anyone could wander past. Her cheeks flooded with color and she fussed with the hem of her shirt, confident that the mother of the child somehow knew exactly what they'd been doing and thought she was a slag.

Roger was sitting on the bench beside her with his elbows on his knees, looking as frustrated as she felt. She returned his wry smile and brushed his hair back from his face. "I'd have to agree with that," she murmured, tracing his lips with her thumb before she stepped back before she kissed him again.

"Though, if you recall, there was plenty of kissing this morning before breakfast and during and even after," she mused, smiling slightly. "Though I don't think any specific amount is enough when it comes to kissing."


shh_roger June 18 2007, 01:50:12 UTC
He noted Hermione's slight embarrassment as she tugged at her shirt and flushed, but that didn't stop him being unbearably aroused just thinking about slipping his hand into her knickers and touching until she gasped and came against that tree. He'd have made quick work of it, too, and she'd have been shuddering in his arms before anyone came past. He shut his mind off from that path before he wove fantasies that were even more involved and featured her unzipping his denims and taking hold.

Bloody hell; what was wrong with him?

He stared at his feet and took a few deep breaths until he felt a bit more coolheaded. Hermione's cool fingers were on his forehead and his smile widened as he returned her kiss. "Still too bloody long," he murmured, kissing the corner of her mouth, her nose. Only chaste, proper places that didn't have him ready to haul her against him again.

"I suppose I'll have to save my other ideas for entertaining you for another time," he said with a small laugh as he found her hand and held it.


shh_hermione June 18 2007, 01:58:13 UTC
She kept the kiss chaste, just a soft brush of lips, but Roger managed to make it erotic without even deepening it. He kissed her nose, her cheeks, and the corner of her mouth, leaving her a trembling mess of warring emotions by the time he was finished.

"Another time. Right," she murmured, running her hand through her hair as she forced herself to look away for a moment. Once she'd calmed herself, she looked back at him and moved her fingers around his. "You can share those ideas when we get home."

She tugged him off the bench and followed the path through the gardens until they found the maze. She studied it a moment and tightened her grip on Roger's hand. From the outside, it reminded her of fourth year, of Voldemort and Harry nearly dying and Cedric's dead body falling to the ground after Harry brought him back. She took a step back and shuddered as if someone had run over her grave, as the saying went.

"Are you hungry? It's past lunchtime, as we've spent several hours here already," she said, glancing up at him. "I'd rather just skip the maze, if you don't mind."


shh_roger June 18 2007, 02:15:29 UTC
"Oh, I will," he said with a smile as he let her tug him up from the bench.

They moved further through the gardens until they reached the maze, but when they stopped in front of it, Hermione's hand went cold in his even as she tightened her grip. When he glanced at her, she was pale and silent, and when she shuddered and stepped back, he tugged on her hand to turn her away from the maze. He racked his brain trying to figure out what had happened, and when it hit him he felt like someone had dumped an ice bucket over his head.

He'd been there for the Tournament, the last time they'd seen maze like this, of course, and he felt like the most insensitive bastard on earth for even suggesting they visit one now. He'd honestly not even realised when he'd first read the brochure, which was almost worse. He scrubbed his hand over his face as she mentioned lunch.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, of course," he said after a moment, leading her quickly away from the maze, from the gardens, from this place. Way to put a damper on the day, Davies. "Hermione -- fuck. I'm sorry," he said simply.


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