RP: Family Reunion

Apr 14, 2007 16:34

Date: April 14, 2005
Characters: Colin Creevey, Dennis Creevey
Location: Colin's home
Status: Private
Summary: Dennis finally makes it to Stoatshead
Completion: Incomplete

Homecoming )

dennis creevey, april 2005, colin creevey

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shh_dennis April 14 2007, 22:12:33 UTC
Dennis didn't have time to think; he only got a brief glimpse of Colin before he was enveloped in a hug. Relaxing into it, he could feel the slight tightness in his chest loosen. God's he'd missed Colin, missed this. It always befuddled him that people could go through life without showing any outward signs of affection.

Blessedly, in his family that had never been a problem. Relieved to see that Colin's eyes looked a bit watery too (so he wasn't the only one).

Stepping inside, he grinned at Colin.

"Wanna bet? I missed you more, or maybe we can call it a draw?"


shh_colin April 14 2007, 22:22:06 UTC
Colin smirked, "Well maybe you did, you always were a bit of a pansy." He grinned and ruffled his brother's hair as he lead him into the house.

All the tension and worries he'd had about dennis for so long slipped away as they talked. He pulled Dennis into the hallway and held him at arms length looking him over.

"Need to give you a good look, I haven't seen you in so long. I'm worried I might have forgotten something important." He grinned.


shh_dennis April 14 2007, 22:30:53 UTC
"I guess pot's don't change their colors either."

Though he'd been looking forward to this day, he wished he could skip Colin's perusal of him. He knew what the judgement would be. Colin was as protective, sometimes more so, than their Dad, just in his own way. Dennis knew Colin would take in that he'd lost weight, what could he say? Hospital food and he didn't get along and it always took a while before he got his appetite back.

Colin himself, didn't look the worse for wear. He actually looked well taken care of, which was a huge relief. Dennis could stop worrying now that his big brother would be hexed or be taken from him by that blasted war.

"Yeah, I'm still short. But you can't say anything cause we all know you got in the way of one of Hagrid's Engorgio spells."


shh_colin April 14 2007, 22:42:36 UTC
Colin grinned, it seemed like even months without contact didn't keep them from joking with one another, emotions aside.

"Well you look a little thin, but Romilda can fix that in a snap." He was a bit worried about his brother, even as he joked about it. He just wanted to make sure Dennis was taking care of himself.

"Dennis ... I'm hurt." Colin feigned a wounded look when Dnnis said he'd stepped in front of an Engorgio. "You think this height isn't natural? I believe, little brother, that you are the odd member of the family." He smirked.

"Well come on in, I'll give you a tour of the house."


shh_dennis April 14 2007, 22:50:06 UTC
Colin could rib about him being little all he wanted, they both knew that, even with being the runt of the litter so to speak, Dennis liked his height, or lack thereof.

"Romilda? Is she one of your house mates?" Following Colin futher inside, Dennis had to admit that he was curious about where Colin lived. About all of Stoatshead really. But the rest of the village could wait a couple of days for exploring.

"Sure. Looks like you landed on your feet, Big Brother."

Of course, Dennis knew that after the tour or during the subject of his asthma would come up, and he was prepared.


shh_colin April 14 2007, 23:02:17 UTC
When Dennis mentioned Romilda Colin just grinned, "Yeah something like that." He would get into all the details of his relationship in a bit but for now he just wanted to show Dennis the house.

"This is of course the hallway," He smirked and lead Dennis through the front hall into the kitchen, and the living room and his dark room. "And then was have the upstairs bedrooms."

He didn't take Dennis up there just yet, he wanted to broach the subject of his unique relationship before he told him about Cormac, or Romilda and Liam for that matter.

"So how about some tea, maybe a biscuit, and then you can tell me all about how you've been taking care of yourself." He cave Dennis a pointed look, and knew his brother would know he meant about his asthma.


shh_dennis April 14 2007, 23:11:18 UTC
Dennis knew he was selfish, but he was glad Romilda was living with Colin. They were good for each other, and it would ease Dennis' choice of wanting to live on his own.

He blinked at the offer of tea. Gertie never drank it, and he'd gotten use to drinking pretty much just water. "Much better for you" she'd said "Caffiene just dehydrates you."

"A biscuit sounds good, but maybe just a glass of water." And then he prepared to brace himself, because as much as he'd like, he'd never learned to lie to Colin or his parents. Or anyone else, for that matter.


shh_colin April 14 2007, 23:25:13 UTC
"Alright, water it is then." He smiled and lead Dennis back into the kitchen and set the tray of biscuits on the table and made himself a cup of tea and handed Dennis a glass of water.

"Well, I hope you like them. Romilda made them, she's been on a bit of a cooking spree these past few months." Being pregnant really had turned Romilda's mothering instincts on high. She was always cooking and trying to take care of them when it should have been the other way around. But she wouldn't listen no matter how many times Colin told her.

"Ok, now spill it Den."


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 00:16:01 UTC
"Spill it? You were always more of a klutz than me." Unless they counted falling out of the boat ( ... )


shh_colin April 15 2007, 01:17:22 UTC
Colin frowned as Dennis told him all about the doctors and their treatments for him. He'd forgotten just how serious Dennis' condition really was, and how hard they had worked to keep him well those years he was at Hogwarts. He just hoped there wouldn't be too much trouble here in Stoats.

"Well, I'm going to trust you on all of this for now, but if you start getting worse again you'd better believe I'm going to kick your arse and get you well again." He arched an eyebrow at his brother.

"I've been pretty well, adjusted to life here pretty easily I think." He took a sip of tea and contemplated how best to continue.

"I'm still working with the Prophet, I'm very official these days, their main photographer." He left off the part about how he was their only photographer and grinned. "And I've gotten settled in a nice place here," he indicated the house around them.

"And well ... yeah." He was still a bit stuck on how he was going to tell Dennis about Romilda and Cormac, not to mention the baby.


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 01:47:09 UTC
Dennis held up a hand ( ... )


shh_colin April 15 2007, 02:05:43 UTC
He laughed, "Well I am sure there would be several people who would knock down the door if I shut myself up in there for too long. Though it is nice that I don't have to clear out everytime someone needs the loo." He grinned ( ... )


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 02:15:36 UTC
Dennis' 1st thought was a camera exploded in his face? He'd get the story of that later, always good to have something to take the mickey out his big brother with.

"McLaggen?" He let his mind wander through the ranks of their former housemates, till...

"Big bloke? Not my type, but still good looking? Didn't he play Quidditch for a while?" Why did Dennis think that there was something about McLaggen and Ron Weasley, or Harry Potter he wasn't remembering?

Dennis' brain didn't work in the same way as some other peoples. Sometimes he processed things in different order than others would, and it just then hit him that Colin had come out and admitted he was gay.


shh_colin April 15 2007, 02:31:42 UTC
"Yeah, that's the one. He played for a game or two there at the end of the season in my 4th year."

Colin grinned as he watched the wheels turn in Dennis' head working out what he'd just been told and he saw the light click on when he'd realized it.

"Yeah, so Cormac is of course one of my house mates. He and I share a bedroom upstairs. The other belongs to Romilda, and the other to her son, Liam." He paused again, letting Dennis take it all in before he told him about Romilda as well.


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 02:46:18 UTC
Liam? Romilda's son?Dennis began to grin from ear to ear as he realized how perfect that was. She'd always needed someone to love, to let them love her, or so Dennis thought, more than she needed to be loved. She'd make a brilliant Mum.

Funny though he'd never pictured her married, then again, he'd never thought about any of them being "grown up" when he was in school. But, he wondered, if she was married, why was she living here, unless...Oh, Gods! Unless her husband died in the war. Which would explain the living arrangements. Colin really was the best friend anyone could have ( ... )


shh_colin April 15 2007, 02:50:56 UTC
Colin grinned, glad Dennis seemed to be taking all this so well. He had at least expected some you've got to be kidding me's or something like that, and yet here he was being of course the brilliant brother that he always was.

"Yeah well there's more." Colin paused and ran a hand through his hair as he thought how best to tell Dennis the next bit of news.

"You're going to be an uncle." He grinned widely and waited to hear what Dennis would have to say about that.


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