RP: Family Reunion

Apr 14, 2007 16:34

Date: April 14, 2005
Characters: Colin Creevey, Dennis Creevey
Location: Colin's home
Status: Private
Summary: Dennis finally makes it to Stoatshead
Completion: Incomplete

Homecoming )

dennis creevey, april 2005, colin creevey

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shh_colin April 15 2007, 02:05:43 UTC
He laughed, "Well I am sure there would be several people who would knock down the door if I shut myself up in there for too long. Though it is nice that I don't have to clear out everytime someone needs the loo." He grinned.

If they weren't catching up, it would have almost seemed like no time had passed since they'd last seen each other. Their conversation flowed so easily and Colin was glad to have Dennis back.

He should have known that Dennis would have seen right through him, and he rolled his eyes. It's not like Dennis could go through the rest of his life not knowing.

"Well it's nothing bad first of all, so you won't really need to help, but well I'm just having a hard time working out how I should tell you about something." He put a hand on his chin and thought for a moment.

"Well I guess I'll just come out and tell you, not like I've ever been given an award for my eloquence." He chuckled.

"When I first moved to Stoats, I met a rather nice fellow. He actually sort of rescued me when one of my cameras exploded in my face." He smiled at the memory of his first night with Cormac. "And we've kind of been seeing each other since then. Don't know if you'll remember Cormac McLaggen, he was several years ahead of you when we were in school."


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 02:15:36 UTC
Dennis' 1st thought was a camera exploded in his face? He'd get the story of that later, always good to have something to take the mickey out his big brother with.

"McLaggen?" He let his mind wander through the ranks of their former housemates, till...

"Big bloke? Not my type, but still good looking? Didn't he play Quidditch for a while?" Why did Dennis think that there was something about McLaggen and Ron Weasley, or Harry Potter he wasn't remembering?

Dennis' brain didn't work in the same way as some other peoples. Sometimes he processed things in different order than others would, and it just then hit him that Colin had come out and admitted he was gay.


shh_colin April 15 2007, 02:31:42 UTC
"Yeah, that's the one. He played for a game or two there at the end of the season in my 4th year."

Colin grinned as he watched the wheels turn in Dennis' head working out what he'd just been told and he saw the light click on when he'd realized it.

"Yeah, so Cormac is of course one of my house mates. He and I share a bedroom upstairs. The other belongs to Romilda, and the other to her son, Liam." He paused again, letting Dennis take it all in before he told him about Romilda as well.


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 02:46:18 UTC
Liam? Romilda's son?Dennis began to grin from ear to ear as he realized how perfect that was. She'd always needed someone to love, to let them love her, or so Dennis thought, more than she needed to be loved. She'd make a brilliant Mum.

Funny though he'd never pictured her married, then again, he'd never thought about any of them being "grown up" when he was in school. But, he wondered, if she was married, why was she living here, unless...Oh, Gods! Unless her husband died in the war. Which would explain the living arrangements. Colin really was the best friend anyone could have.

And if this Cormac bloke.... Now Dennis remembered. He'd been the one who tried to take over the team in practice, and knocked a bludger into Harry's head. Ron had hated him with a passion as anyone within earshot, yelling distance, of the common room knew. Maybe he was less....insecure, rough around the edges? As long as he treated Colin well.

"That's brilliant." And it was. Harry Potter had never seen what was right under his nose, so he missed his chance, and from what Dennis remembered, Harry didn't like blokes. If Colin had found someone who appreciated him, it was about bleeding time.


shh_colin April 15 2007, 02:50:56 UTC
Colin grinned, glad Dennis seemed to be taking all this so well. He had at least expected some you've got to be kidding me's or something like that, and yet here he was being of course the brilliant brother that he always was.

"Yeah well there's more." Colin paused and ran a hand through his hair as he thought how best to tell Dennis the next bit of news.

"You're going to be an uncle." He grinned widely and waited to hear what Dennis would have to say about that.


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 02:56:50 UTC

But, men couldn't have babies, not even in the Wizarding world, Dennis hadn't finished school, but he was pretty certain of that. Had he missed something? Did Binn's mention that in History Of Magic for some reason, and Dennis slept through it?

"You're adopting?" That had to be it.


shh_colin April 15 2007, 03:01:30 UTC
Colin almost spit out his tea when Dennis asked if they were adopting, fortunately he managed to swallow, and then laughed. It seemed his subtle hints were a bit too subtle.

He saw Dennis frown, and decided to have mercy on him.

"Sorry Den, No we're not adopting. Romilda's pregnant. She's with Cormac and I." Colin still struggled with the right way to describe their relationship. It seemed odd to call Romilda his girlfriend, but she was definitely more than just his friend.

"Cormac, Romilda, and I are having a baby. You're going to be an uncle."


shh_dennis April 15 2007, 03:17:42 UTC
For a second, Dennis was worried that Colin was going to choke. But then Colin swallowed and then Dennis was afraid he would himself.

Dennis had know what procreation entailed since he was 7 and asked his mother where babies came from, and then how? No stork stories from her. She had brought out a book and explained, very clinically Dennis realized now, the process, which resulted in Dennis promising himself he would never do that.

Promises were made to be broken, he found out, but that one time with Romilda was the extent of it. And he had never been that good with maths, so the logistics of it were somewhat confusing.

Wait a minute, Dennis thought, Colin slept with Romilda? Why did it bother him, just a little that she'd seen them both naked now?

Taking another drink of water, he started to pull himself together, taking one thing at a time.

Working in the shelters and food kitchen he'd seen all types, including those that had been cast out of their families for whom they loved, or what gender that person was. He'd be damned if he'd be one of those people, ever. Especially not with Colin.

And as for the how? As long as he didn't have to see or know the specifics, he could deal with it. Romilda loved Colin, Dennis had always known that, and in their own way Dennis and Romilda liked each other, or had in the past.

Cormac? Dennis didn't like to admit it, but there was a part of him, the part that remembered how dumb jocks or bullies made things difficult, that wished Colin had chosen another bloke, even if Cormac was smart enough to recognize a good thing. He wasn't proud of it, and he'd overcome it for Colin's sake, and Romilda's, if Cormac hadn't changed.

Opening his eyes, he could see how much Colin wanted this, and how much it mattered to him that Dennis approved. That made the smile that Dennis gave genuine.

"Congratulations, you'll be a brilliant Dad. So how do I have to soften up to be named Godfather?"


shh_colin April 15 2007, 03:24:04 UTC
Colin started to worry, when it took so long for Dennis to respond. He really wanted, no he needed his brother's approval on this. He was the only family he had right now and if Dennis couldn't accept this he wasn't sure what he would do.

But when Dennis smiled, Colin breathed a sigh of relief.

"You'll have to meet them all soon of course, I kicked them out this afternoon so we could catch up properly. But Romilda is dying to see you again. And Liam has been asking about you since he found out he was going to be a big brother like I am."

He started rambling on about them, telling Dennis about their jobs and the life they'd built together.

For the first time in months, Colin felt like he was complete, like there wasn't a part of him that was missing. Now that Dennis was back, things would be alright, he wouldn't have to constantly beat himself up over losing his family. He wouldn't have to lose sleep at night when he thought about them.


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