(no subject)

Nov 11, 2006 17:05

Date: Nov. 11th, 2004
Character(s): Lisa Turpin, Draco Malfoy.
Location: Draco's home.
Status: Private.
Summary: Lisa informs Draco that the war is over, and convinces him to venture out.
Completion: Complete.

Lisa walked mostly in the shadows as she ventured toward the edge of Stoatshead, careful not to make much noise. People knew where she worked, now- or at least too many to be safe- and late-night wanderings to abandoned areas might be something of a curiosity. Much the way cars had slowed down to watch when police had pulled up to a house in her Muggle neighborhood; she remembered it only vaguely, and her mother harshly admonishing her father for busying himself with other people's trouble was her focus at the time. It would only get worse as more former Death Eaters moved into Stoatshead. And as the trials began.

She pulled her coat tightly around her body- she could never seem to get warm in it, and had always been utterly useless at transfiguration- and stopped to light a cigarette, keeping an ear out for other movement. There was no one following her, she was quite sure, and she was far out enough that the streets had been empty for minutes.

A half a mile further and Lisa was outside the not-abandoned-really warehouse that Draco had locked himself away in, and, stamping out a half-finished cigarette on the ground, she proceeded past the wards that they'd put up together. The lock on the door recognized her wand, and she headed up the staircase, removing her coat and scarf as she went.

"Draco?" she called just outside the door, to give him enough warning. He was used to her visiting at odd hours, but she hadn't been by for days.

november 2004, lisa turpin, draco malfoy

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