RP: Someone...help me...please?

Nov 28, 2006 19:28

Date: 28 November 2004
Character(s): Ginny Weasley and Seamus Finnigan
Location: The Five Alarm and then the hospital
Status: Private
Summary: Seamus cuts himself on accident and heads off to the hospital to get fixed up
Completion: Complete

Doing the washing up was not the most fun thing in the world to do, but unfortunately, it was necessary. After the party had ended the barstaff cleaned up the bar area and had decided to save the dishes for the next day.

Seamus wished now it had been the other way around.

He'd never seen so many bloody dishes before. There were just stacks and stacks ready to finish cleaning, and as it seemed everyone on duty was absolutely hopeless at cleaning charms, they'd needed to do it all by hand. He wondered if Alicia would be coming in at all. She seemed to be quite good with cleaning spells. Or maybe she was just not a messy person.

He sighed, thinking about Alicia. She'd still been a bit off earlier that morning, but a lot better than the night before. He wiped at the glass in his hands with a towel. Alicia was really beginning to worry him, though. He'd woken up before her that morning, and he'd noticed just why she'd pulled out of his grip the other day when he'd grabbed her wrist. She must have been using a glamour charm over them during the day because when he saw them that morning and took a closer look there were faint yellow and brown bruises circling them.

He moved to place the glass on the counter next to the rest of the clean dishes, but somehow managed to hit two others with his arm in the process. He cursed as they fell and shattered on the floor. His first instinct was to bend down and pick up the glass with his hands. He was startled as someone entered the room and began speaking to him, telling him to just use his wand. As he jumped, he cut his hand on one of the larger shards of glass. The other bloke cringed, waving his wand at the mess, all the glass suddenly gone.

"You'd better go get that fixed, mate. It looks a bit deep. I'll cover for you while you're gone."

Seamus smiled at the man and left the kitchen, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his hand on the way out.

He walked quickly to the hospital, giving his name and ailment to the witch at the desk and then went to go sit down and wait. He glanced around, wondering how long it would be before someone came to get him.

seamus finnigan, november 2004, ginny weasley

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