
May 15, 2005 12:30

I'm so glad the last week is over! I'm done with exams!

Friday didn't even feel like a real school day, probably because I didn't go to any of my classes. The IB Spanish exam seemed so much easier and less tiring than any of the AP exams. I like how for some of the questions we really didn't even have to understand the text (though the articles were pretty easy, anyway). Apparently you can leave IB exams early, too, so Kari, Kellye, and I all left at about 11:30, just before lunch started, and just went to check in with Sra. Reed before leaving as soon as the bell for lunch rang. We went to Denny's for lunch and went home early instead of going to Solarez's class, though she knew we were there, since she was one of our proctors. As I was leaving the exam she showed me that I'd gotten a 49/50 on that piece of crap World Lit essay I had written in one afternoon the day it was due, and told me that she'd actually give it back to me in class, so I guess she was kind of expecting me to show up. Hopefully by Thursday, the next time I have to see her (sine STAR testing is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) she'll have forgotten, or something. (By the way, do we have English or History on Thursday?)

Then that afternoon was Kari's party. It was a really wonderful day for the beach, too. A lot of the time it can be a lovely day here, but at the beach it's cold and windy, but on Friday it ended up being beautiful. It was a lot of fun, too, but then you can just see most of it from the pictures. Oh, and I brought my own dinner with me, because tofu kind of scares me - yay falafel!

I spent pretty much all day yesterday with Kristin. We ended up not going to the Strawberry Festival, after all, since it's really expensive, but we went to the gem and mineral show in the morning (and I got magnetic bead) and then to her house, where her parents were having a party in the afternoon. There were a lot of little kids there, and while they had a couple moments of cuteness, they were mostly just really annoying. It was amusing the way Brad could just toss them into the pool (from which they had come, so they were already wearing wet bathing suits), one handed, though.

Ok, and now, the pictures (yay for new 1GB memory cards!):

Random pictures from when I drove down Hidden Valley a week or so ago:
White picket fence

From when I "cleaned" my room last Saturday:
These are just the books (not including text books or notebooks) that I found on the floor of my room. They're still in these piles and on my floor, because they don't fit on my book shelf.

After the AP US Government test:
Adam suggested that someone take pictures. I've no idea why.
Cori and Kellye were glad it was over (as was I). Actually, it was easier than we'd feared.
Kristin getting a head start on her lunch
Paul Frank is creepy. (See, Kris? I told you Jonathan was in the middle and Paul Frank was less than half the picture.)
Kristin and Jake broke up the Friday after prom. Hahah (<-one word)!

Kari's Birthday Party:

Yay Beach!
Way to pick the really rocky one.
Kellye in her sunglasses
Mary running to get out of the picture
A random dude cleaning up the beach. He had dreads and painted pants.
I was so close to getting the horizon straight, too.
Run, Kellye, run!
There, now that's straight.
Pyramid! (Kind of)
That's hot, Kellye.
Sexy Krissy
There's Jenna in there, too.
Which sandy foot is whose?
Is that rock comfy?
AHHH! (It's me!)
The stitches on Kristin's nose
Mary on top of the huge sand dun across the PCH

The Kari and Janet Pictures:
Awww, friendship ;)
Beach babes Kari and Janet
Baywatch Kary and Janet
Charlie's Angels Kari and Janet
I have no idea what they're doing here.
Yeah, that's Kristin's butt...
Where's Kari?
Rock climbing Kari and Janet
Janet Dance Janet

Weird Art History things (as butchered by teenagers at the beach):
Caravaggio's The Conversion of St. Paul
Pontormo's The Decent from the Cross (kind of backwards and missing a few people...)
Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam
Michelangelo's Dying Slave
Michelangelo's David

The Story of the Hole in the Rock:
Hmm, what's in here?
I think I'll find out.
Oh, no! It's got me!
Help, Kari, help!
Ouch, my finger.
Eh, you'll live.

All prettily wrapped...
My card! It reads: "Dear MadCowKariLewLewyLewisTheGypsyPirateDepp (and then some),
Haha (<-one word), you can't eat M&Ms! Happy (belated) Birthday!
- ♥ -
Me (Santina, duh)

My gift (Oh, the wrapping has M&Ms on it, so that's what that was about)
I got her What's Eating Gilbert Grape and Don Jaun De Marco (which is apparently about Jake).
Beach feet!
Ew, tar!
Kari with all of her gifts
Kari, enjoying her lightsaber already
... In more ways than one

OMG, pictures of Noelle! (This is special enough to get it's own section):
She hid from the camera...
But Kristin got her!
And then she actually posed!

Yay sky!:
The sun's still up.
Then it starts to set...
And the sky got really pretty.
More colors!
And there it goes.
Goodnight, sun

And later...:
Everyone (except for me) in the lifeguard tower
Yay ocean...
Kristin's dolphin dance (look, it's Noelle!)
Cori tending the fire
That piece of wood has a handle!

What You Really Think Of Your Friends

Jenna is your soulmate.
You truly love Mary.
You consider Netta your true friend.
You know that Kellye is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Cori for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Noelle is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that Laura Brown is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Jake is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Jake changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Kristin is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Kristin has a hidden internet romance.

What Do You Think of Your Friends?

pictures, tests, memes, friends time

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