It's been a week...

May 11, 2005 22:04

AP tests are over. That was a long day. I totally failed the Art History one, but at least I didn't just bubble C for everything like the Westlake girl next to me.

Now I just have that IB Spanish test on Friday, but then, I figure that if I don't know Spanish by now, I won't know it by then, either, so I don't think I'm going to bother with studying.

Then there's that World Lit paper due next week. And I really need to work on that extended essay research and such. And try to understand physics (though not tonight, as I seem to have left my text book at school - and that's what Spanish class is really for, anyway).

Bad Tattoo
Nightmare scales: Panic: 68%. Dread: 56%. Lampreys: 31%.
You are the BAD TATTOO. Seemed like a good idea at the time...

Unfortunately, in its current state of development, this test cannot
distinguish between the two forms of Bad Tattoo: the DRAGON ON FLAB and
the ETHNIC PRETENSION. If you promise what you can no longer deliver,
you're the former-- while if you claim to be something you never were,
you're the latter. Not that it matters now, though.

SEEK: someone else who always seems to wear long-sleeved shirts,
even when it's hot out. Maybe laser treatment, if you can afford it.
AVOID: anyone who could be described as "your ex." Especially the ones who seemed to mean it when they gave you the "Let's just be friends" speech.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 93% on panic

You scored higher than 58% on dread

You scored higher than 3% on lampreys
Link: The Vacuous Personality Inventory Test written by Vlinblindingue on Ok Cupid

Oh, and I want this for my birthday.

homework in general, tests, memes

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