This time it's been over a week...

May 23, 2005 20:12

And well, I really only have two main points.

First and foremost (which, by the way, is repetitive and redundant): Episode III had its really bad dialog, its cheesy parts (But who doesn't like cheese? Oh yeah, Kari.), and the parts where I just though "Um, no," but I still liked it. I do think it was better than Episodes I and II. What I'm really getting to here is that I wanted to apologize and anyone that's angry with me for seeing it without them. I wanted to see it, and Corinne and Noelle wanted to see it, and we didn't think it'd be as big a deal as I guess it was to some people. I do understand not wanting to go see a movie by yourself, or even wanting to see a movie with certain people, but I don't understand the point of waiting for a group of ten to all be able to and want to go on the same day. There are still people to see it with, and if you like, I'll see it with you, too (and won't make comments, because after last time I'm quite ready to strangle the next person who makes a comment during a movie in a movie theater), but all excuses aside, I just didn't really think about it like that, and I didn't mean anything by it.

Second: It's yearbook theme time again. Warfield is already disappointed in me and Alex as senior editors, and we aren't even seniors, yet. I know it. So, if you got to choose the theme (and style) of your senior yearbook, what would it be? I think we're trying to go for more of a "this is a starting point" type of approach than "this is a time we'll always look back on fondly" approach. (Victoria says that retro is going out of style, and I'm willing to trust her style opinions, though I think Warfield's idea wasn't too bad when he said "A Day in the Life/") Oh, and yes on the black leather cover, I suppose? (It's not real leather, Kari.) Black Leather is just so limiting.

yearbook, movies

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