After deciding that there were too many memes that I enjoyed going back over and put a lot of work into, but not enough of a reason to really give them their own place on my sidebar (which was getting too long anyway), I decided to make a special page for them. So here it is! Sorted by fandom (or if it's real life).
Will be updated regularly with each new meme I make and think is worth going back to now and then.
(more memes I've done can also be searched/found by clicking the "
meme" tag of course)
Real Life --
Interfandom --
Harry Potter --
High School Musical Real Life Memes
The Helpful "About Me" Meme: Pretty much everything you could want to know about me in one simple page! From my family and name to what I'm doing at the moment as of June 23, 2008.
Writing Songs: Original meme of mine that includes the current list of songs that inspire me to write, whether while I'm working on an essay for school, an original story, or a fanfic. Also my definition of what a "Writing Song" is.
Icon/Interest Meme: List of seven of my interests (from my LJ profile) and three of my icons chosen by another person, and my thoughts on them.
Top Ten Hottest People: Self explanitory--with pictures!
LiveJournal Obsession Test: The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test results...although they've probably increased since I took it!
Seven Habits/Quirks About Me: Again, title pretty much says it all
2 Variable Intuition Test: Results of the very interesting 2-Variable Inuition test, which tests how emotionally inuitive and scientifically inuitive you are (or aren't). Very good test. (Link to just
the test here)
Online Dating Persona Results: My result to the
online dating persona test.
Interfandom Memes
Top Five Favorite Characters: My top five favorite characters of all time (with pictures) out of anything (movie/book/tv show/play, etc) and why they mean so much to me and inspire me.
The High School Musical Sorting Hat: Harry Potter meets High School Musical. Basically which house at Hogwarts I think each HSM character would be placed into had they attended the school. Also lots of pondering on how the Sorting Hat decides who goes where and my opinion of Rowling's portrayal of the characters in the different houses.
Couples Meme: My top five favorite couples from various fandoms and why--complete with pictures. :)
Harry Potter Memes
Harry Potter and the Favorite Characters: My favorite (and least favorite) characters from the Harry Potter series and why.
Harry Potter and the Love/Hate Characters: Characters that I love and hate at the same time for whatever reason in the Harry Potter series and why.
Harry Potter and the HP Couples (canon): Harry Potter canon couples, both current and past, and my opinions on them and their validity.
Harry Potter Character Compatibility Test: A character personality test to which I'm shocked to find out who I am most like
Controversial HP Characters: Series of posts about HP characters that tend to either be loved or hated in the fandom, and my opinion on them
Severus SnapeSirius Black
High School Musical Memes
High School Musical Couples: My opinion and commentary on what I think of the various fan-made as well as canon couples in the HSM fandom (with icon pictures if availble), as well as general commentary on what I think each (main) character would act in any relationship and my opinion of their sexuality. Quite long and covers many of the possible couples in the fandom.
HSM Character Commentary: Very in-depth and descriptive commentary of my opinion on each of the individual characters from High School Musical's personality. I think I was taking a philosophy class while I made this, so I'm serious when I say in-depth! Especially of course when it comes to Troy. Complete with lines and scenes of theirs that I think are important and show something significant about their personality that's often overlooked in fics.
My High School Musical Song List: List of all songs from both soundtracks in order of my preference, and why I like (or don't like) them.