A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"
1. I lock the door before I go to sleep, both in my dormroom and in my room at home. This started because when I moved to my dorm, I had this image/fear in my head of someone getting into the dorm and raping me while I'm asleep (probably from a Law&Order/CSI/Lifetime episode). Also my parents had told me to, but I had forgotten by the time I told them I was doing it. This has also led to my suitemate s thinking I'm afraid of her. Which is not entirely untrue... :P (plus, if it annoys her, that only makes me more happy that I do it. I don't need her in my room after I'm asleep either)
2. When I like something, I tend to get obsessive about it. XD As in searching for hidden themes/symbolism in the story/history/lyrics (if applicable) and constantly searching up stuff related to it online and making up original stories featuring it's characters/themes on my own. XD I just feel that if you're a fan or a "buff" of something, you should be aware of things related to it and etc.
3. I'm a history geek. XD I love learning about it--though there are things that bore me at times. But for the most part, I love history, especially 19th Century Europe (or pretty much anywhere else in the world at that time, but ESPECIALLY Europe). I just find cultures and how they got to be the way they are now fascinating. Although my interest in history once pretty much cars were invented fades....XD I especially love learning about the history of: Japan, China, England, Ireland, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Italy. XD On a bit of a sad note, I took both AP American History and AP European History in High School. I did better in AP Euro, and I'm American! XD (In my defense though, American history is boring (unless it's NY....XD)! There's so little of it, and way too much emphasis is put on the 18th century....) My favorite subject in history to study is Romanticism and that whole period...
4. I hate the sound of a vacuum cleaner/blowdryer (etc). I will probably never have a carpet in my house, and always let my hair air dry (it's naturally pin straight, so that's not an issue). I don't really know why it annoys me so much, but it did before I started dorming and has only increased in annoyance to me when my suitemate suddenly decided to start vacuuming ALL THE TIME.
5. Easiest way to piss me off--say something is "gay" or use that word (or faggot, lesbian, dyke) in a deragotory fashion. I just snap when someone does that. Gay rights are extremely important to me (bisexual myself, and have plenty of friends and wonderful people who are gay), and I'm part of the GSA at Hofstra. It's a political issue I follow devoutly, and is a huge deciding factor when I'm looking up candidates to vote for.
6. I love theatre. I go to at least two Broadway shows (or at least a musical/play in NYC) a year. I've been participating in drama since I was about 8, my first show being Cinderella when I was the stepmother. I've taken acting and singing classes, and have helped direct shows (assistant to the director) and always given my castmates pointers and suggestions (to the point that in my last show at my high school, kids were coming up to me left and right asking me for help with their lines and what they should do/how they should say them--despite me not even having a speaking role in that show! I had apparently just made that much of an impression on them--which left me in shock during my senior goodbye when one of the junior started saying I was one of the most devoted cast members who always helped out and wasn't afraid to tell you what you needed to change or do better, and what you were doing well aready...I was nearly in tears accepting those flowers from him!). I've begun to try to write my own plays too, because theatre has always been such a huge part of my life since my grandmother started bringing me to New York to see plays and especially musicals every year for my birthday and Christmas. The play that had the biggest influence on me--to the point that I wrote about it in my college essay for the college I'm currently attending? A Christmas Carol. My grandmother took me and my mother and my aunt and my sister and brother to that show for Christmas every year until it closed. I still try to live by the morals given in that show, and the year MY high school decided to do it I was over the moon and when I got a shitty part (because of the director absolutely) I asked to help direct the show because it meant so much to me and I wanted to do something more than be just some extra in it. I love that show.
7. I tend to procrastinate--especially on things that don't interest me. Mostly because I prefer to do things all at once, I hate having to come back to something I already started and continuing it. I'd rather spend one whole day on something than one hour a day for a week. XD Which is a problem with schoolwork! But I've gotten better with it.
I tag: