Okay, I was a good girl and paid attention during the first half of class, but at break I took the time to download my preordered album "Pretty Odd" by Panic at the Disco; which I've only listened to a little bit and hoping I won't hate it--i knew it was going to be very different than their first, and it definitely does have that Beetles sound
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I am sad you're frustrated with Zoey 101 though, (unless it's fourth season generated - then it's completely justified) because I just started to get back into it, and love it. :) Well, maybe not 'love', but Logan is adorable, and Logan/Quinn is beyond awesome. But I would blame it all on Dan Schneider... I mean, he practically owns Nick now.
However, I relate to you on the lack of icons... I DEFINITELY want some iCarly ones... and some Matthew Underwood/ Quogan ones.
But alas, I have ranted past a good threshold. :* And lost my focus with my reuniting of my laptop and me. :D (Yay!)
I actually am not sure! Which bothers me because I've seen the episode a couple of times, it's one of the earlier ones. I think it's the dance one or the one where they try to get more viewers.
And yes! I actually heard Nick bought 14 episodes of iCarly before they were even all written! XD I guess they figured everyone was going to watch it and it would be a total success....
Okay - I checked. It's the one where they follow around the mean teacher and end up hiding in a closet together. :D I dunno what order it goes in... but that's what happens. :D :D (AKA: iSpy a Mean Teacher) :D Sad, because had I known, I would've actually watched it the other day when it was on.
I heard that too... but seriously - invest that much into a show that you pretty much know nothing about? Schneider's got that channel in the palm of his hand. And if he knew Miranda was going to do it - I'm sure that helped too. It's just... wow. :D
Plus, the more episodes I see, the more I believe Miranda Cosgrove is really good actress. :D
I think Nickelodian is doing a pretty good job competing with Disney - they're actually putting out new episodes! So I'm kind of anti- Disney right now. They deprive me of what I want. New HM episodes! And only parts of them are timeless, I need to fast-forward through parts. :D
I love iCarly. :D
--":D Because I think Carly loves Freddie just as much. Just... y'know - she doesn't realize it yet. :D"
SO sounds like Freddie....which is again adorable! XD
But yes, Miranda is probably one of the most talented actors on Nick (a lofty statement but i'm confident about it...:P). ;) Go Miranda!
XDXDXDXD True...Disney has been a bit lack about the new episode thing lately...I think they're still recovering from the writer's strike thing. Although i saw a commericial on DC today about like SEVEN new premieres coming up for Disney...so they might be getting back on track.
But yes. iCarly rules. XD
But wow...what would HSM be without the Troyella/Zanessa as we know it now?
I was wondering if I was the only one. My sister thinks it's nutso.
*don't hit me!* I actually prefer season 4 to season 3.
But the Logan/Quinn love is definitely not random. :D There are TONS of people who like it. :D
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