I have a few categories. There are some old stories, some new ones, some funny ones, and at least one really sad one, but it mostly comes down to "things I come back to read again and again".
Memorable entries from an unusual perspective
The Gold Wrapped Box by
duh_i_read Spike’s present for Dru gets swapped in the gift wrap department.
Welcoming Committee by
beer_good_foamy Angel’s trip to hell at the end of Becoming, Part 2 is related by one of his (previously) biggest fans.
Whitehat by
deird1 After the Wish!verse fades away, some echoes remain.
Snyku Shorts by
brutti_ma_buoni Principal Snyder has lots to offer…in haiku!
Bureaucracy by
deird1 Conflicting wishes lead to a SNAFU in Arashmahar.
Battlefield of the Gods by
bob_tales Getting together with old colleagues can be socially awkward.
Life's Little Irritations (Post-Chosen)
Outshone by
deird1 Andrew tries to be his own man.
Jitters by
beer_good_foamy Faith needs an outside perspective to get on with the job.
Playin' My Favorite Song by
beer_good_foamy Faith and Giles find common ground in the classics.
Not Buffy, but still Joss
For Firefly:
Not even… by
ubiquirk Shepard Book and Jayne discuss philosophy.
For Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog:
Declaration of interdependence by
ubiquirk Fake Thomas Jefferson gets off on the wrong hoof with Bad Horse.
For Dollhouse:
Eagles by
beer_good_foamy SPOILER FOR SEASON 2 FINALE, EPITAPH 2: Topher identifies with a character from 20th century lit, and it ain’t Holden Caufield.