(no subject)

May 17, 2007 20:36

I'm stinky disgusting from working out. I can smell my effluvium from up here. I assume the reekingness is originating from down there, so it's a fair distance for grossness to travel. 
I'm interning at the Monroe County Public Defender's office for another semester. The summer semester. Now, to be precise. It's about 20-25 hours a week. On top of being a legal intern, I'm also a file clerk for them for $9/hour. They're moving their offices in a couple of weeks, so they'll need some filing/moving and such done. 
I bet you wish you were the Monroe County Public Defender's Office: when they move, inmates from the county jail come and carry all the boxes. It counts as their community service/road crew. It's a shame one of the perks of the job isn't that they'll help you move your own personal crap. 
I'm making coffee right now. The most delicious coffee in the world is the one I have right after working out. 
Quitting smoking last month (month before?) didn't take, although Chantix is the most amazing drug ever. It worked incredibly well for killing the cravings, however the temptation was always there because Ginger was still smoking and I was in the midst of finals and such.

I tilled the garden last night. Tomorrow we'll be planting. An herb garden (two kinds of basil, parsley, sage, thyme, and something else...rosemary, I think), broccoli, watermelons, and ....snap peas. I think. Or green beans. Not sure.

I finished reading The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana by Umberto Eco. It's a fairly interesting read, although I think it's more attuned to Italian audiences. The main character has to research literature, comics, toys, etc. to recall his childhood and his first love's face, which he lost due to a stroke. And he talks mostly in literary quotations, which survived the brain damage. 
I'm now reading Haroun and The Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie. I've come to the conclusion that Salman Rushdie cannot write a bad book. I've enjoyed everything I've ever read by him, even The Ground Beneath Her Feet which was a book that was directed at the literary & nostalgic baby boomer. 
Midnight's Children is certainly the best.

Anyway...that's it.
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