to put it somewhere "public"

Mar 24, 2013 00:44

via love_bingo

Most of the entries will be original stuff.. but some will be fandom. Or not.


Can You Feel the Love Tonight? G | Oscar/Glinda (Oz the Great and Powerful) Just what did happen behind that curtain? [post-movie SPOILERS]
Serenade G | Garrett/Rebecca, Luara (Tin Man) There are few things more soothing than his voice. [pre-series; Garrett 'verse]
Dancing Together G | Wyatt/Adora (Tin Man) Every night, he walks her home. And, every night, he asks her to dinner. [pre-series; ballerina!Adora 'verse]
Loss G | Kenna and Wyatt (Tin Man) Now that the shock has worn off, it's time for father and daughter to meet. [post-series; Kenna 'verse]
Back for Good PG | Kenna, Wyatt, and Jeb (Tin Man) Wyatt wants to know what happened to Adora. [post-series; Kenna 'verse]
Everyday Life G | Dree, the kids (Tin Man/original) It's just another day in the Brooks-Donovan-Cain household... [ Dree 'verse]
Kinks PG | Dree/Trey (Tin Man/original) Thankfully, he's there to stop her when she pushes too far. [ Dree 'verse]
Sex Bomb PG | El/Dree/Trey (Tin Man/original) The morning after the wedding, someone is missing... [ Dree 'verse]
Heavenly Love PG | Glinda/Ira (Tin Man/original) It's time for a proper date, for once. [ Dree 'verse]
Quickie PG-13 | El/Dree (Tin Man/original) When the mood hits Dree, it's a miracle. And El knows to take advantage of it, every time. [ Dree 'verse]
Sweet Nothings G | Dree and fun!Wyatt (Tin Man/original) Dree's baking, and she needs Wyatt's opinion on the output. [ Dree 'verse]
Forbidden Love PG | Dree (Tin Man/original) It's the little things she doesn't think of that show just how much she's changed. [ Dree 'verse]
Defining Us PG-13 | El/Dree/Trey (Tin Man/original) The two pairs become a trio. [ Dree 'verse]
Baby Talk G | Dree, Diz, Wyatt (Tin Man/original) They don't know they know each other already, even though they do. But they don't. Not yet, anyway... [ Dree 'verse]
Sensuality PG | Adora/Wyatt (Tin Man/original) Adora's trying to get Wyatt's attention away from things he can't change. [ Dree 'verse]
Love-Hate PG | Max/Tally (Tin Man/original) The longer the friendship, the more the love. And the hate. [ Dree 'verse]
Best Friend PG | Joe/Delilah (original) He's wonderful with pillow talk... [ Barbary 'verse]
Date Night PG | Ken, Craig, Tony (original) Ken's got a date, and the bets are on. [ Magic Squad 'verse]
Marriage of Convenience G | Emily, Sherri, Ken, and Pete (original) Unfortunately, the most qualified for the undercover stint are the most qualified. [ Magic Squad 'verse]
Lost Love PG | Audree and Wyatt (AU!Tin Man/original) He was always the only guy for her. [Rhode Island 'verse]
Comfort G | Jack/Deb (The Guardian) Waiting is the hardest part, especially when you have no control. [post-movie; Tough Guys 'verse]
You Don't Choose Who You Love G | Grissom and Giselle (CSI/Enchanted) Where better to give someone a royal treatment in Vegas than Caesar's Palace? [after Jackpot, for CSI; post-Enchanted by about a year; Hotel California 'verse]
Romantic Getaway G | Grissom/Catherine (CSI) All vacations must come to an end, but is that the only thing that will end? [Universal 'verse]
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned G | Catherine, Rygel, Aeryn, OCs (CSI/Farscape) Catherine has to save Rygel. [ CSI: Uncharted 'verse]
Vacations G | Stephen and Natalie (Medical Investigation) She really has had better vacations, but always the same date.

the keeper is speaking, mystic man, kenna cain, magic squad, at fault: bad horse, really?, trey donovan, at fault: erin, adora cain, d.a.f.l. she wrote something!, wyatt cain, dree brooks-donovan, rhode island!dree, dear and fluffly lord, garrett cain is real damnit, at fault: hilary booth, at fault: l frank baum

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