Love Bingo #2

May 08, 2013 16:16

since I managed to kill the other one, here's take two!

Same as before.. maybe OCs, maybe not.


Birthdays & Anniversaries G | Dree, Max, Trey (Tin Man/original) When Max asks about her birthday, Dree doesn't have an answer. But Trey does... [ Dree 'verse]
V-Day PG | Adora (Tin Man/original) The war may be over, but the battle is just beginning. [ Dree 'verse]
Close to the Heart G | Wyatt, Kenna, Az (Tin Man/original) Wyatt has lunch with the crafters. [ Dree 'verse]
Partner G | Massey and Chapel (Tin Man/original) Massey needs help from a woman he barely knows. [ Dree 'verse]
Grief G | Massey and Chapel (Tin Man/original) Chapel has to make a call she really doesn't want to. [ Dree 'verse]
Walking on the Beach G | Dree and Max (Tin Man/original) Max is getting his sea legs and exploring the beach for the first time. [ Dree 'verse]
Breaking Up is Hard to Do PG | Dree, Max, El (Tin Man/original) The Disney trip is full of memorable firsts... including a lost tooth. [ Dree 'verse]
Separation G | Dree and Max (Tin Man/original) As the vacation continues, Max is getting a little braver. [ Dree 'verse]
Libido PG | Dree/El (Tin Man/original) It's said that there's something in the Disney air... [ Dree 'verse]
Making Love PG | Dree/El (Tin Man/original) For the first time in a while, the girls have nothing getting in their way. [ Dree 'verse]
Finding Love PG | Dree/El (Tin Man/original) The girls have finally had some time alone and it's finally time for dinner. [ Dree 'verse]
Marriage G | Dree, El, Max (Tin Man/original) The family come across an area set up for a wedding, and the girls tell Max about their own. [ Dree 'verse]
Official Business PG | Dree/El (Tin Man/original) Dree likes to handle royal requests personally. [ Dree 'verse]
Porn PG | Dree/El (Tin Man/original) El loves to watch Dree clean... the house. [ Dree 'verse]
Song for You G | Ben, Lizzie, Adora (Tin Man) During a storm, Lizzie sings a song to calm her daughter. [pre-series; Tin Man!Adora 'verse]
Excitement G | Grissom and Giselle (CSI/Enchanted) To round out their day, Grissom has one more surprise for Giselle. [after Jackpot, for CSI; post-Enchanted by about a year; Hotel California 'verse]
Brothers & Sisters PG | Emily (original) Emily's sisters-in-law have their own theories on why her marriage didn't work out. [ Magic Squad 'verse]
Desire PG | Emily (original) Emily and her mother have a heart-to-heart. [ Magic Squad 'verse]
Loneliness PG | Emily (original) In a moment of weakness, Emily calls Tony. [ Magic Squad 'verse]
I Like You PG | Emily (original) Tony shows up at the Fisher residence, to no one's surprise but Emily's. [ Magic Squad 'verse]
Old Flame G | the team (original) Tony's been on the job less than an hour and it's already reached awkward. [ Magic Squad 'verse]
Adoption G | Audree and a puppy (AU!Tin Man/original)Dree's wife has been replaced... by a puppy. [Rhode Island 'verse]

rhode island!dree, dear and fluffly lord, at fault: steve, don't make me call gibbs, write it already!, really?, at fault: erin, steve the plotpapay, d.a.f.l. she wrote something!

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