At work today, B and I were discussing the recent outbreak of Christian vitriol over eight little words (there's great coverage of this type of thing over at Daylight Atheism, if you want to read more), when the following conversation took place. I should point out that everything was exchanged in pleasant tones, despite how it looks on paper.
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Ain't no train, bus is too 'spensive, don't know how many other people would be interested in carpooling nearly 400 miles for this. But... umm... damn. Look, giving up, this is just frustrating as hell. So
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I read a post over on Daylight Atheism about the Singularity, and I couldn't refrain from comment. I have quite a bit to say on the subject, though, and I didn't want to hijack the thread, even though it was posted a long time ago
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Jack and I talk about stuff. Here's a copy of my most recent (substantial) comment, somewhat edited for consumption by the general populace:After talking with Chris, I'm convinced that I've been talking past you. That's the nice way of saying it. The accurate way of saying it is that I'm full of shit on most of my talking points. At any rate, I
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George Carlin died. This makes me sad. It almost makes me wish there were a god, so George could kick his ass. An outspoken proponent of free speech, opponent of religion, and champion of common fucking sense, he was very much a hero of mine. At least now that he's dead, he can't do anything to fuck it up like say he thinks Michael Moore's a
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Joe recently argued some stuff. As he reveals no personal information about himself whatsoever, I don't see anything wrong with quoting him in full, ( so I'm going to do that. )
It has taken me, literally, weeks to finish this. Not because it's particularly long, mind you, but merely because it's so... brick. It's very brick. That's the only word that comes to mind right now
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Tact: Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending.
I see the whole song and dance as manipulative, probably because of the way I was raised: around people who talked about hellfire and damnation with smiles on their faces. Something about nice ain't right.
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