When I'm in Jacksonville, I'm not always happy, but for the most part I'm content. When I'm at my parents? Opposite story. I've been home for a little over 48 hours and already I've had the double standards that my family holds for me thrown into my face repeatedly. And had the reminder of why I moved in the first place made glaringly obvious. I fucking hate them. I haven't had a migrane this bad since July, and I can thank them for it. Fuck all of them. If I had money I'd already be on my way back to Jacksonville.
On a less sucky note, I'm writing one of my
hoodie_time fic challenge fics. Its frankly scaring the bejeesus out of me, to be completely honest. Something about writing about being trapped is just getting to me. This headspace, while proving to be creatively fruitful, is also awful. I think I respect Jensen Ackles' problem with character bleed now. Because he's right, Dean Winchester's headspace is anything but fun. Which is why, for my own sanity I can't keep the story just in Dean's point of view. I'll lose my mind.
Other than that, I think that I'm done. Until later today that is. :)