Apr 09, 2005 19:30
Lie to me, tell me we had someting.
After all this time, u still don't know me. I don't know me. I can't change me. U can't change me.... why are we trying?
This doesn't make sense. Not one bit of it. Every breath I take is another step towards confusion or pain. Why breathe?
I can't even dream well. I can't sleep alone. I miss havin u there to take that away. Why try to go to bed?
I never heard the words. I don't believe those three words were even shown to me in a way that simple words can't prove.. Why care?
I wonder things that have no importance, and I can't help but to obsess over them. I know it is wrong.. Why think?
The days now are disappointing, and regret filled. I can't think of anything I have done right. I am not proud.
I try tho, to go forward, but when I walk that way, I seem to take six steps backwards... I am learning.
Do this for me before u go...