(no subject)

May 01, 2017 18:43

My parents came back from their latest cruise today. Mom messaged from Munich where they're spending the night to say that dad had forgotten his backpack on the train from the airport into the city. It had his passport in it, (probably his diabetes kit,) his camera with all the pictures of the trip. After the first person they talked to said that they could only contact the train personell in case of emergency*, the second one did call, staff went through and found the backpack, and they got it back.
* I'd like to imagine it's less of a hassle than if an abandoned backpack is discovered on a train in one of the biggest German cities, these days.

She also said that dad's godmother (actually his cousin) has passed away on Saturday. It's sad, but as mom said, she had a good long life - and what she had the last two years when she was in a nursing home, wasn't living anymore. The last time I visited her with my parents, she didn't recognize anybody, she remembered nothing of her past. She cried when we left, but I think five minutes later she'd already forgotten that we'd been there.

I spent this weekend plus today's holiday like a true slob. Today I took a bath and exchanged the old pajamas I'd been wearing since yesterday to new ones. The First of May is traditionally a day for hiking here, but it was raining all day. I wanted to go yesterday instead, but got knocked out by a headache instead. I wonder if the fact that I often get headaches on weekends has something to do with usually not wearing my glasses from Friday evening till Monday morning. So I'm trying to use them more.

Occasionally I dream of meeting someone and quite quickly becoming involved with them (well, usually it's "him"). I had a dream like that today, but it was a guy I went to elementary school with. I have seen him maybe once or twice since, and I have no idea what he does today. Kind of weird.

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life, dreaming

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