(no subject)

Apr 25, 2017 22:22

I have booked a train ride to Sweden for this year's hiking trip in June. Hooray! I might have said it before, but I am a bit of a train nerd. Not in the interested in the mecanics way or anything, just in the riding trains way. I also like ships and bridges and water. So this is pretty awesome for me. Between Hamburg and Copenhagen, the train drives onto a ferry on Fehmarn, on which you cross over to Denmark. And between Copenhagen and Malmö, you're going over the Öresund Bridge.

I'm planning to hike the Österlenleden in the south, starting and ending in Ystad. 163 km (I will definitely leave out the extra 25 km round trip) in 8 or 9 days. I'm leaving myself the option of doing it all in one piece or taking a break halfway through. This will be my longest hike so far - the last time I did around 150 km. By the second day I was wondering what the hell I was doing and why, by day seven I thought that six days would have been more than enough. If I chicken out, there's also the Utvandrarleden near Emmaboda - but that's only 112 km long.

I'm camping again, but while about half of the trail is along the sea with real campsites and towns, the rest is countryside with huts and shelters where I'll have to cook for myself.

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hiking, vacation

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