This is my first crossposted entry. I won't delete my livejournal anytime soon, but I will try to be more active on dreamwidth. I'm
stellamira there, too. I'm also working on getting all my stories on AO3 and not just half of them.
I want it noted that about two weeks ago, I rode my bike home from work wearing a t-shirt. It snowed today! Seriously?!? I'm so glad I turned the heating back up before visiting my parents for Easter. Since my floor heating takes about three days to get to the temperature I adjusted it to, at least it was warm when I got back. I've been sleeping on the couch for the last two days because it's warmer in the living room.
We're getting our old Zumba instructor back next week. She had a baby and we got a replacement for 1 1/2 years. In that time more and more people dropped out of the class, but no new people came (partly, I think, because it's announced as the advanced class). Before Easter, we were down to five people, and one got a new job and won't have time on Mondays anymore. Two from the class after ours expressed interest to switch over to ours, I hope they do. I'd hate to lose this class. It's close to my workplace so I go right after work. Going to the later class would mean I'd have to kill an hour each time.
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