(no subject)

Mar 23, 2009 02:29

Apparently I must've been butt-ugly before I went to Peru, because various friends of my parents told them how much I'd changed to the positive, and how handsome I was now. Heh.

My mom brought home a LCD projector from school. She needs it for a presentation about Peru, and I of course had to extensively test if it worked all right. I set up a small canvas in my room and watched Supernatural on my bed. On the big screen, so to speak. It's great! I am so investing in one when I have my own place. I did have comments about Supernatural, by the way, but they're basically the same as ever (oh, Sam; oh, Dean), I don't think I'll elaborete.

I have recs, though! I still read surprisingly few stories and didn't finish any of the books I'm currently reading. Instead I included movies and podfics this time.

Movies I watched the past two weeks

Good Luck Chuck
Due to a curse any girl who sleeps with Charlie will meet her one true love in the next guy she's dating. Naturally, when he meets a girl who seems to be his true love, he desperately tries to break the curse.
The good: I actually found the basic premise interesting, and kept casting Jensen and Jared in my head. You know, Jared's been cursed and meets Jensen but can't sleep with him, or Jensen will move on.
The bad: Uh, the rest? I find a plastic surgeon (Charlie's best friend) who became such because he is a pervert who likes to fondle his patients' tits more disturbing than funny. And the other jokes weren't much better. And I can live with someone being portrayed as unrealistically clumsy, but when it includes 1) her slipping down the penguin slice at her workplace in the aquarium, hitting her chin on a fake boulder and chipping a tooth, 2) her accidentally stabbing the dentist (Charlie) in the back with his own instruments, 3) forgetting to turn off the light of her car, so it won't start, 4) giving Charlie an electroshock when he helps her jumpstart it, 5) locking her keys inside her car, 6) breaking the convertible top of his car when he drives her home, 7) having locked her house keys along with the car keys in the car so she has to throw in a part of the glass in her door, 8) catching her skirt in the car door and ripping it off, all in the course of 10 minutes, this is way, way, way over the top and annoying.

Slumdog Millionaire
A Mumbai teen who grew up in the slums, becomes a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" He is arrested under suspicion of cheating, and while being interrogated, events from his life history are shown which explain why he knows the answers. (from imdb)
I saw this just today with my mom and our neighbor. It was quite different than the book, sometimes that was better, sometimes that didn't make sense, particularly with the small things. Why is Salim Jamal's big brother and not a friend like in the book? Why is the main character's name different than in the book anyway? (although I suspect that is because there is an explanation of the complicated original name in the book, I guess they didn't want that in the movie, though). There is no child abuse, nor homosexuality in the movie, although at least three chapters of the book deal with both, and there were worse scenes in the movie.
Overall it was good, though, and the pictures are great. Who knew that slums could be beautiful even.


Exactly Where We're From (Jensen/Jared) by colloquially
Before I break my fingers trying to come up with a summary for this one: It's a PWP, and it's no AU, so basically there's just sex happening.
It's not much more than Jensen and Jared coming from set, dead tired, but fucking one last time before going to sleep, but I like the quite tone of this one. Everything's laid-back and slow but steady. Plus, Jared ordering Jensen around with just a word or two is damn hot.

Home Improvement by facetofcathy (Jensen/Jared)
Jared drops off the face of the earth, and Jensen renovates the house - starting with the hole where Jared threw a chair against the wall.
I am such a sucker for stories that built up slowly and have mind-blowing sex at the end. Makes me all tingly inside at each kiss and/or intimate touch. (And not in the way you think!)
I like that it feels like a relationship progressing, somehow, even though Jared's not even there for half the time. I like Jensen growing into a role that he usually doesn't have, because Jared's usually there. And the sex scene is hot.

Podfics (include links to the mp3-versions of the podfics; the site has the audiobooks, too, but I'm too lazy and tired right now to search for them, too)

Life is a Banquet (and Some Poor Suckers Are Starving to Death) (Dean/Sam) by chaobell, read by sadcypress
Sam and Dean get cursed by redcaps and can't stop eating.
A fun little story, and the way sadcypress reads it - especially her Sam and Dean voices - is hilarious.

After the Tone (Jared/Jensen) by kashmir1, read by pennyplainknits
Jensen builds a new life in New York as a theater actor, and it takes Jared a damn long time - and various messages by Jensen on his voicemail - to get a grip and follow him there.
I like the imagery of New York here; Jensen in a long coat, out in the winter air, hmm... And I like the reader's accent, makes me wish she'd recorded a lot more in the Supernatural fandom.

The Devil Really Does Wear Prada (Sam/Dean) by balefully, read by sadcypress.
After Stanford, Sam takes a job at the best fashion magazine in town with an incredible bitch as a boss. Dean turning up in his life again is the last thing he needs now.
This is one of the stories where you read the basic premise and think that never in a million years can this actually work out, and then it does. Incredibly. It shows nicely how Sam and Dean will always belong together in a way, even if their lives are as different from each other as possible. Sacypress reads this one with a lot of funny voices and accents, too. Highly enjoyable.

stuff, recs, supernatural

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