(no subject)

Nov 15, 2007 22:24

There was a trailer for Supernatural in the commercial break of Queer as Folk yesterday. Heh. Same target audience, maybe? I'm easily amused.

The first Christmas song almost came on the radio today, but it was only a joke, so the host broke it off. Hm, how much does it tell about me that, when she talked about happy people playing in the snow, I immediately thought about I'll Never Break Your Heart (European version), not Last Christmas?

I'm always a little puzzled when people say they took their stories offline because they want to make an original story out of it.* Never mind that it upsets me if there's a good story I can't read, I don't know how people do it, seeing their characters not as Lance, JC, Sam, Jensen or Harry. When I write, I do it with a certain picture in my head, not only of the physical appearance, but also of how I think a person might be like. It's probably easier if it's an AU, but even then I try to bring little things about the "real" characters into it. Like, if I wrote an AU where Lance was an actor, I might still have him write a book about coming out and how he feared it'd hurt his career. Or just simple character traits. Chris just stays a fun-loving guy in most of my stories, and it wouldn't work if I replaced him with a blond, tall, lean sufer guy named Matt.

Still, I can understand that a bit more than some people who transfer their stories from on fandom to another, because they think it works quite as well in this one, so they exchanged the characters. Um. I don't read those. I read fanfiction because I love the characters, and it feels to me like the author is cheating me, since they had different characters in mind when they wrote the story.

* I started reading one of those today, and I have to say that I thought the author found a nice solution. I was all left hanging when after half of the story I couldn't find any link to further chapters anymore (even though I knew there were), but she acutally posted the rest friendslocked in a community. So it's still fairly easy to access.

Aw, there's a movie on tv that I saw when I was in Sweden last year. I remember that day, it was the one when I drove 45 minutes to the nearest big city hoping I'd find a supermarket there so I could buy something to eat. I did find one, when I'd already given up and was on my way back.

Yay! SeSa assignements are out! You might notice that I'm not freaking out. I'm rather very pleased. I can do this. There is one tiny problem I'll have to manage, but overall I'm very happy.

stuff, writing, supernatural, sesa

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