Various fandoms: Fighting sentences

Nov 14, 2007 22:13

Oh, and I wrote sentences again. For the sentence-a-thon in wendy's journal.

Jensen/Jared, frosting above Jared's upper lip

They are really ridiculous, Jensen thinks, the things they fight about regularly - who gets to sit up front on the ride to set (usually Jared, because he gets picked up first and just plants his ass there and won't budge), who works out more (also Jared, he seems to get high on sweat when Jensen just wants to crawl into a corner and die), or who gets to eat the last slice of Jensen's birthday cake, no matter that it quite obviously should be Jensen, since it's his cake, dammit, but Jared has a different opinion, running off laughing with the last piece, leaving a trail of dropped crumbs to behind one of the trailers where he crams it all in his mouth right before Jensen's eyes, only a smear of frosting above his upper lip left, which Jensen licks off before he can even think about it, the "sorry" already on his lips when he pulls back, but then Jared yanks him back in and presses their mouths together, and they share the taste of the cake between them.

Sam/Dean, arm wrestling

Sam couldn't help rolling his eyes when, after the fifth game of rock-paper-scissors Dean lost, because he refused to choose anything other than scissors, always had, obviously determined that some day Sam would think that Dean would do something else and go for paper, which Dean would then beat since of course he'd done scissors again, Dean said that he wanted to arm wrestle about it instead - rolled his eyes because Dean hadn't been able to beat Sam at that since Sam had been fourteen, although Sam had to admit that Dean had picked up a trick or two since the last time they'd done this and put up a good fight, that Sam let him win eventually, since, hey, it wasn't like Sam was really the loser here, not even when Dean crowed and waggled the tube of lube at Sam and told him to "lie down and spread 'em, baby!"

Dean/Lindsey McDonald, wall

Dean had despised the guy from the moment he'd stepped into the room, screaming "lawyer" in all but blinking letters on his forehead, the kind none of Dean's credit card limits would be able to pay - barged in, really, and threw out Dean's assigned attorney, smacking his briefcase on the table and claiming he'd get Dean out, pro bono - and he did, in record time, even, Dean didn't know how, but just a few hours later the guy was driving him to a motel in a dusty old pick-up truck and pulling him into a room after checking it carefully, but when he wanted to leave, just like that, Dean turned him and pushed him up against the wall and demanded some answers, right now, which he didn't get, of course, instead he got two hands on his ass, the guy's hips shoved against his, and a kiss that made Dean's head spin, made him hold onto the guy's arms and notice for the first time that this wasn't any ordinary lawyer who spent all his time sitting in his office playing with paperclips, muscles bunching under Dean's touch, black edge of tattoos when Dean ripped the guy's shirt away to get his mouth on the guy's neck, protective swirls and runes all over his chest - he mumbled some crap about "senior partners" when Dean asked, but it wasn't important anyway, Dean was only interested in seeing just how far down those tattoos reached.

cw_rps, crossover, fiction, supernaturalfic

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