SGA Fic: Reflections in Water Chapter Three The Hot Satedan

Apr 15, 2010 09:59

Title: Reflections in Water
Author: stella_pegasi
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Jennifer Keller, others, original characters.
Spoilers: It would be easier to tell you what wasn’t mentioned…suffice to say that if you have watched all of the episodes that either deal with Elizabeth Weir or discuss Weir then it most likely included as is just about everything else.
Warnings: Minor bad language, lots of angst, there is whump, mention of possible self-injury.
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Word count: 16,658
Disclaimer: I do not own them, I would have treated them better.
Summary: Upon the anniversary of a tragic loss, Sheppard’s in pain and his team is distraught at not being able to help him.



By stella_pegasi


After Sheppard left the conference room and Woolsey followed, Ronon, Teyla and Rodney sat for a few moments trying to think of something to say to each other. They all knew what they wanted to say but no one was willing to say it. They needed to talk about Sheppard but they couldn’t.

Finally, Rodney spoke up, “Hey, we should probably listen to Woolsey and get some dinner. Anybody with me?

Teyla stood up. “I am not hungry but I am tired and I want to see my son. I think I will go to my quarters; I have some fruit there should I get hungry later. Good night.” With that, Teyla left.

Ronon looked at Rodney, “Come on, McKay, let’s get some food.”

Dinner had been as quiet as the conference room and after leaving Rodney, Ronon was on his way to the gym after stopping by to see Amelia for a few minutes. He had planned on meeting her after her shift was over. However, she told him that she was going to end up taking the night shift as well; Liang was ill. Not ready to return to his quarters, he decided to head for the gym.

The gym was full; there were a lot of scientists as well as Marines working out. Sheppard had decided that any scientist who wanted to go off-world would have to pass a physical fitness course and he had asked Ronon to design it. Ronon chuckled as he remembered that Sheppard had felt it necessary to add that he wanted the scientists to live through the course and to keep that in mind.

Now as he stood at the door of the gym, he was proud of the scene in front of him. The new scientists that had come on board while Atlantis was on Earth had taken the course seriously. They all wanted to be able to go on missions and they had kept up their physical training even after they arrived in Pegasus. Taking a deep breath, he walked in and watched the concerned faces of scientist and Marine alike; he knew they were all wondering who was going to be his next victim.

More tired than he wanted to admit, he stayed only for an hour and a half before he decided he needed a shower. He was pretty sore from the fight earlier on Kieran and from busting some newbie Marines, each of whom thought that they were going to be the Marine that took him down. Most of them were on their way to the infirmary with minor injuries; he had gone easy on them.

Walking into his quarters, he stripped off his clothes, dropping them on the floor and headed for the bathroom to turn on the shower. He was thinking about the Marines in the gym, wondering what Sheppard was going to say when he found out some of his Marines were a ‘little’ injured.
Sheppard. He was worried about Sheppard and had no idea what anyone could do to help him.

Seeing steam rising above the shower enclosure, Ronon decided that the water was finally hot enough and he stepped in and closed the door. He stood for a long time letting the hot water stream over his body and trying to allow his thoughts to drift away. However, no matter how hard he tried, his thoughts never drifted far from his friend.

That Sheppard had saved his life was something that neither he nor Sheppard could deny. Why the colonel had decided to help him was still a mystery. When they first met, he had taken Sheppard and Teyla prisoner, yet they were more worried about their friend Ford than they were frightened of him. Despite the fact he had kidnapped them, Sheppard had made certain that the Wraith tracking device was removed from his back.

He had trusted the tall, lanky man from the moment they met but he could never understand why. He had vowed to never trust anyone again, yet he had allowed himself to trust this man from another galaxy. Sheppard had been there for him when his Satedan comrades had betrayed him and welcomed him back to the team after he had deserted them. When the Wraith recaptured him and took him to Sateda, Sheppard, along with Teyla, McKay and Beckett came for him. Sheppard came for him once again when his fellow Satedan, Tyre, turned him over to the Wraith. Sheppard would never let him give up and was always there for him but Sheppard wouldn’t let him return that loyalty. The colonel always had to go it alone.

Ronon leaned against the wall of his shower, letting the steam more than the streaming water cover him. His thoughts wandered back to the events that had occurred on Kieran earlier in the day. McKay had a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, that was a fact that no one could deny but he had not meant to create a problem on Kieran, it just happened like it always does. There was already an undercurrent of anger before McKay ever said anything. Three of the nine council members were opposed to the treaty that Teyla and Sheppard negotiated. Teyla told him the three council members wanted more concessions from the Alliance and they were quite unhappy when they left the chambers.

When the council master had invited them to share a celebratory meal at the resting house where the team had been staying, Ronon was surprised that Sheppard had agreed. It was his experience that Sheppard usually liked to get back to Atlantis once the job was done. He asked Teyla why they were staying and Teyla felt that Sheppard just didn’t want to go back to Atlantis because of what day it was.

They were sitting at a large table with the entire Kieran Council when Rodney asked the question that started the fight. Ronon had glanced at Teyla and knew she also was aware that the councilman didn’t take the question in the way Rodney meant. Ronon shook his head as he stepped back under the hot water, letting it pound against his sore muscles; Rodney would have to pick someone even bigger than he was to piss off. It was not often that he had to look up to someone but the councilman, whose name was Jesdain, was at least four inches taller than he was and outweighed him by probably 80 pounds.

The councilman was already angry over the treaty and he threw the first punch; the fight was on and he, Teyla, and even Rodney threw more than a few punches themselves. Sheppard never reacted; he simply sat staring out the window. Ronon didn’t think Sheppard realized or even cared that his friends were fighting with a new ally. When it was over and he had landed the punch that ended the fight, he turned toward the end of the table where Sheppard had been sitting to ask why he hadn’t helped them. Sheppard wasn’t there; he had gotten up and left the resting house, heading for the gate. He helped Teyla and Rodney up and they followed. When they reached Atlantis, Teyla had informed Woolsey that he might want to contact the council master and apologize for their leaving so quickly. When he saw Amelia earlier, she told him that Woolsey sent Lorne’s team back to Kieran this evening and he had spoken to the master on Lorne’s radio.

Sheppard needed help to deal with Elizabeth’s death but Ronon knew he wasn’t the person capable of helping him. He was a soldier and, as a soldier, he knew that in battle people died; people that you cared about died. He knew the loss of a loved one during war all too well as he had lost the woman he loved in the war with the Wraith. He had told Sheppard about Melena and he knew that Sheppard understood his pain and what it took to get over it but Sheppard wasn’t getting over Elizabeth’s loss.

He missed Elizabeth as much as the rest of them did. She had been cautious when Sheppard first brought him back to Atlantis. Not that he blamed her, he had kidnapped Sheppard and Teyla and, so, she might have had a reason. Yet, she trusted Sheppard’s belief that he would be a valuable addition to Atlantis and had agreed for him to stay under Sheppard’s command. A command that he accepted willingly, although he had to admit he didn’t want the colonel to know that at the time.

These explorers from the Milky Way galaxy never ceased to amaze him. From appearances they looked frail and soft with the exception of a few of the Marines, yet even Rodney had shown remarkable strength when the need arose. He thought them too trusting of the galaxy’s inhabitants but had seen them time and time again fight when they had to fight. He respected them but most of all, he respected Sheppard.

Teyla had once told him, after he had killed a Satedan traitor named Kell in cold blood, that she might have done the same thing. Kell had sent thousands of his people to their deaths just to protect himself from the Wraith. Teyla understood why he felt he had to kill Kell but she warned him that the others, the ones from Earth, would not. He was certain that Elizabeth Weir would have thought less of him but he wondered about Sheppard.

There were times when he wanted to tell Sheppard about Kell and what he had done. He had no regrets but he was worried that maybe Sheppard wouldn’t understand. His friend has a very strong sense of right and wrong and didn’t care who got in the way, chain of command or not, when he knew he had to act. He was not certain if Sheppard’s view of what was right would include taking justice into his own hands even when they deserved it.

Thinking back to the day Elizabeth was injured, he knew that Sheppard was devastated, yet he watched Sheppard stay in control and in command while Elizabeth lay dying. As much as he wanted her to live, Sheppard was ready to blast the nanites Rodney had reactivated to repair her because he knew it was not what she would have wanted. It didn’t matter what anyone else thought; it only mattered to Sheppard what Elizabeth would have wanted.

He was also devastated at her injury and had stolen a moment when no one else was around to let her know how much he appreciated her faith in him. She let him live with them and become one of them when he never thought he would belong anywhere again.

He owed a lot to Elizabeth for the faith she had put in him but he owed even more to Sheppard. He had to find a way to help his friend ease the burden of the guilt that he kept inside. Turning off the shower, he grabbed a towel and started to dry off, deciding he would find Teyla and Rodney; they had to do something.

hurt/comfort, jennifer keller, friendship, pg-13, angst, teyla emmagan, rodney mckay, sga, ronon dex, richard woolsey, john sheppard, gen

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