Why am I so grumpy??

Nov 28, 2006 17:42

A bit of whining....

For some reason, I'm in a grumpy mood right now.  I don't know why.  I have the house to myself (which I usually love), lots of DVR'd shows to watch, beautiful snowy weather outside, and I'm feeling decent (morning sickness, or rather, all day sickness has gotten the better of me lately).  So what's my problem?

I'm insecure.  For some reason, when Greg travels for work, I become an insecure lunatic.  Seriously.  I know that it's dumb, and I know I shouldn't feel this way.  So why do I???  It's so ridiculous.  He just left this morning and has sent me text messages and called me twice already.  So it's not like he's off in hiding or something.  He told me that one of the girls from The Bachelor (a few seasons ago) is in the class he's taking.  So I asked if she's hot.  Of course I'm wanting him to say no.  But he said "Yeah" and then went on to tell me that she looks like me, but is fake (he said "she'd look like you if you had peroxide hair and fake tan").  I should take this as a compliment, right?  But no.  I go and ask him if he remembered to wear his wedding ring.  HELLO?!  Why do I do this????????????  I need help!  I think it's the idea of him being far away, and staying in a hotel.  But I know him.  And I know he would never do that to me (cheat on me).

I think part of it is because I'm feeling guilty about being so horrible to him lately.  I really have been.  Whoever said being pregnant is great, was nutty.  I have been emotional, bitchy, and a lazy ass.  My husband has been cleaning, doing laundry, bringing me food, trying to get me to take my vitamins, etc.  He's lost his partner in a social life.  And what have I done to show my appreciation?  Bitch at him.  Ugh.  Typing this out makes me disgusted with myself.  So now I just want him here to give him a hug and tell him that I love him and I'm sorry.

Sorry to vent; don't feel like you need to respond to this one if you don't want.  I just needed to get it all out.

I do have some happy things going on, and some pictures to share, so I'll do that in another post, so I have a happy one.  :)  I'll make myself look bi-polar by having a grumpy post and then having a happy one! hee hee!

marriage, pg

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