And for some happy pictures...

Nov 28, 2006 18:44

Since my last post was so grumpy, I figured I would follow it up with some pretty pictures.

Thanksgiving at my parents house...I only took a few pictures, but I'll share what I have.
My aunt (dad's sister) and Grandma (dad's mom) making gravy

My dad carving the turkey while my aunt's boyfriend and my grandpa look on.  Notice the look on my dad's face is the exact same as that of my grandpa!

And after all that work, my poor dad sat at the table all by himself.  Just kidding.  He was just the first one to sit down, and we thought it was kind of funny that he was sitting at the head of this big long table (for 20+ people) all by himself!

And then came the snow....This was on Sunday night in our front yard

Some of it started to melt on Monday afternoon, and the sun was out for a bit, so I thought it was all over.  Here's a pretty picture of my backyard with the blue sky

I'm sure some of you saw the Monday Night Football Greg and I settled in with some Thai food and started watching the game, and it was snowing on TV...apparently I was wrong about the snow being gone!


This is what I woke up to this morning.....

A beautiful blanket of white snow, and bright blue skies.  It was a gorgeous day in Seattle!!

Hope all you local ladies are keeping warm and staying safe!  I just heard that we're supposed to get more of this tomorrow night....we'll see!

nfl football, weather, thanksgiving, family

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