Entry # 116- Better

Mar 29, 2010 17:50

I had a busy day today and I still have to go to Walmart. Idk. I might put that off until tomorrow. I weighed myself again and it's not a fluke. 228, instead of 220. sigh. Mike said he was going to buy me a used exercise bike. He's been so swamped he hasn't had time to look at craig's list, though eventually, we will. He suggested I do those imaginary exercise bike exercises. I think I will, as soon as I am done with this entry.

I found this new website, another place to get my pics for my diaries- www.bing.com I think  it's one of the best sites that I've found to find free pics. You should check it out. All you have to do, is pick the picture you like and copy it and then paste it in a new entry.

I don't know who I am
But I know who you are
Near of far
I see you
Near of far
I need you.
I live my life for you
Bowing down
But I can't pray
I feel so inhumane
Though I understand-
It's a part of your plan
Am I a vessel  of wrath
Or will your mercy shine?
I will know in time
Whether or not I've lived a lie-
Love covers a multiitude of sin
Will you cover mine?
Am I chosen
Or am I frozen?
Let your fire melt the ice
Let it melt the snow
Don't leave me hardened
With you I want to grow.
Thank you for lifting the blinders
Even if I'm on my way to hell
Am I repenting?
Am I on the way that's well?
People so lost and confused
All because of you
I have to remember
You want it that way.


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